
Harvard now Rejects Most Requests for Filming

Harvard now Rejects Most Requests for Filming

Harvard rejects most requests for filming since the filming of Love Story (1970) which caused significant physical damage to the campus.  Harvard University is a superb film location due to the fact that its campus is one of the most beautiful in the world. However, it does not mean that it will be easy to get a permit to film at this location even if you are a huge filming company. No matter whether you are trying to shoot the best educational film to encourage more applicants to go to Harvard or simply want to highlight the beauty of its campus, the Harvard administration will think long and hard before accepting your filming request, and here’s why. In 1970 a film called ‘Love Story’ was filmed at Harvard, and the whole process caused so much damage to the campus, the college no longer gives everyone permission to film on location. Some applicants even mention this fact in their Harvard supplement essay.

Harvard now rejects most requests for filming

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Nowadays, it takes the Harvard administration to process your filming request during two to three days. However, there may be delays if you do not provide sufficient information. It is quite obvious that the main goal of an educational institution is to make sure students have access to all the resources and facilities they require in the process of studying. Taking into consideration the fact that there has already been a filming incident before, it is quite logical why the administration rejects the majority of requests.

If you are lucky to get a permit, there are lots of restrictions you will have to accept, otherwise you won’t be able to film at all. For instance, commercial filming is not required on campus, in dormitories, classrooms or cafeterias. In case Harvard students appear in wide shots, it is the responsibility of the filmmaker to make sure they have obtained the verbal consent of those students.

Speaking about those places and locations where filming is permitted, they include public sidewalks, the Science Central Plaza and along the Charles River. In general, it advisable to familiarize oneself with the map of Harvard University before one gets down to filming in order to avoid any confusion.

Even though the movie ‘Love Story’ depicts a romance between Radcliffe College and Harvard University students, it did not help as the damage done was really severe. Therefore, getting a permit to film at Harvard is really hard. If you are looking for an unconventional topic for your Harvard supplement essay, choosing to dwell upon the list of movies that were filmed on location is probably not the best idea. To begin with, this subject has been mentioned in so many Harvard essays the review committee is definitely tired of reading the same thing over and over again.

Harvard now rejects most requests for filming

kgohsend / Pixabay

Apart from that, when you decide to dwell upon the movies filmed at Harvard, it means that you have done your research before getting down to the task of writing a Harvard supplement essay. In other words, you do not know much about the history of the educational institution, as well as about that awful incident that happened in 1970. If you really want to impress the board with your Harvard University supplement essay, dig deeper. Come up with an under-researched issue and do your best to submit a truly impressive piece of writing. If you have decided to apply to Harvard, it means that you are aware of the acceptance rate, as well as of the rigorous requirements. Besides, you are also aware of the fact that your Harvard supplement essay has to be unconventional if you want to be enrolled. Learning how to write unique Harvard essay will take time and effort. Therefore, you should start beforehand.

The whole point of the task of writing a Harvard essay to conduct a thorough research study on an interesting issue and to present your findings. If you are still trying to figure out how long should a Harvard supplement essay be, more research has to be conducted on your part. That is the main reason why you should get down to task accomplishment early: this way you will have enough time to gather all the information you may need in the process of writing, as well as to edit your paper as often as you think it needs to be edited.

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Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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