©James O’Keefe
Matthew John Wimmers
Matthew John Wimmers plays Douglas in It’s You, Not Me
Cliché: Tell us about your character in a couple sentences.
Matthew John Wimmers: Douglas is kind of a stereotypical fun loving overconfident Italian muscle man. He loves a good party, and is not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed.
Have you ever played this role in your own personal dating life?
Possibly when I was younger. I am now a well-educated married man.
What do you like/dislike about your character?
I liked the idea that Douglas was all about the “family.” He has his own set of ideals and is always ready for a good time, or to rough someone up.
Tell us your most memorable experience while shooting this series.
Filming at the “mob house.” It was very comfortable environment and everyone was dressed up for the party. We had a good time.
How did you come to be a part of this project?
I was asked by Lauren Patrice Nadler to help produce the project. We had worked together on several projects before this one; we are very familiar with the experience of pulling together talent and creating a learning environment for her students on set.
What was is like working with your long time teacher wearing the director hat?
It was a fantastic working experience. Lauren Patrice Nadler is extremely detailed and generous with her actors.
How collaborative or how much freedom did you have to “play” or improvise on set?
We pretty much followed the script, but we had the freedom to play within the structure of the scene, some of that made it into the final version.
What was the funnest part of shooting this episode?
Shooting the bachelor party scene with the guys at the strip club. It’s always entertaining when these guys get together and have some fun.
Personal notes or comments about this episode:
I was witness to some odd stuff, behind the scenes, between a couple of the guys talking about waxing versus shaving their chest/body hair… actors!
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