Home Improvement

Home Improvements you Should do Now You’re Working from Home

Home Improvements you Should do Now You’re Working from Home

Today we want to share a few home improvements you should do now you’re working from home.  Over the last few months, millions of brits have gotten acquainted with the pleasures of working from home. In fact, even after the pandemic has passed, it’s likely that a sizeable number of us will stick with the arrangements and make plans for telecommuting in the longer term. Having experienced the flexibility and savings that come along with working from home, we won’t want to give them up easily. And business leaders are in broad agreement. RBS have allowed 50,000 workers to continue telecommuting for the rest of the year, following similar moves by tech giants like Facebook, Google and Fujitsu.

If you’re on board with this cultural change, then it’s worth making plans to ensure that your home provides the best possible working environment. Let’s take a look at exactly how this might be done.

Creating a Space

Light room with big windows

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych on Pexels

If you’re going to work effectively, then you’ll need the space in which to do it. This doesn’t just mean physical space. While you will need a room that’s large enough to accommodate your work and all the equipment it requires. Perhaps just as important is the partition required between your home life and your work life. Converting a spare room or attic into a dedicated office will help you to get into a work-focused frame of mind, and to keep family members at bay during office hours.

Making Upgrades

If you’re at home all day, then you’ll be spending more on utilities. Any inefficiencies in your central heating system are going to be twice as damaging, as you’ll have the heating on during the day as well as the evening. Now that tradespeople are free to carry out improvements, but the weather is still favorable, you’ve got the perfect window in which to make those changes. If you’re working from home for the long-term, then now might be the right time to replace that boiler.

Storage Space

If you’re surrounded by clutter, then you might find it difficult to concentrate on what you’re supposed to be doing. A few creative storage solutions around the house may provide the space you need to stow these items out of sight and out of mind. On the other hand, you might elect to simply have a large clear out and send those unwanted items elsewhere.

Extra Windows

Natural light can make all the difference in your work environment. Anything that can be done to increase the amount you get in your home is going to be worthwhile. If you find that installing additional windows or skylights is impractical, then you might make other tweaks to improve light diffusion, such as installing mirrors or replacing heavy curtains with lightweight horizontal Venetian blinds.

Read more home improvement articles at ClichéMag.com
Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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