Home Improvement

When to Change Your Home HVAC Filters

When to Change Your Home HVAC Filters

Today we want to provide tips on when to change your home HVAC filters. The air condition inside your home is strongly impacted by air filters, which may seem like tiny cardboard boxes filled with materials that look like a coffee filter. Your equipment will function correctly if you routinely change the filter in your air conditioner, and your energy expenditures will be low.Air pollutants can freely move without filters, exposing you to potentially hazardous allergies and particles that could eventually make you sick. According to estimates, HVAC systems having clear filters can operate 5–15% more efficiently than those with dirty filters.

The Importance of Changing HVAC Filters

As air filters age and degrade, they may leak fibers and other material right into the moving components of your ac system. This could result in technical failures that impair the quality of your house. You may prevent expensive repairs to your air conditioning system by ensuring that your HVAC air filters are in good condition and clear of extra debris and dust.

Increasing the lifespan of your HVAC system is one of the key advantages of replacing your air filters. Periodic HVAC maintenance, such as cleaning your air filters regularly, may help your equipment last longer. You may also stop unwanted damage to your unit by performing regular inspections and changing its air filters. Therefore, monitoring your system from the beginning can decrease the occurrence of HVAC problems.

If you have pets or live in an urban area, it is advisable to change your air filter once every couple of months. Replacing your air filter is a straightforward procedure that doesn’t need the help of an expert, and air filters are typically affordable. Most of the time, replacing the filter should only require sliding the old one out and the new one in.

When To Change Your Home HVAC Filters

Several variables might affect how frequently you should change your air filter. The typical advice for less expensive fiberglass filters is every 30 days, but for more expensive pleated filters, the recommendation can last up to 6 months. Generally, companies advise you to replace basic 1″–3″ air filters every 30–90 days. Sometimes HVAC filter sizes may impact its changing period.

While some filters are designed to last up to 6 months, others must be replaced monthly. Lifespan may increase with air filter density. In general, the filter thickness is more important than the branding. The MERV rating should also be considered.

  • The frequency of use of your home will determine how regularly you need to change your filters. To change your filters, however, you need to do so at least once every 90 days in a normal suburban house. You could even advantage from changing the filters more frequently than once a month during periods when you use your system regularly.
  • If you have pets, your HVAC filter may need to be changed more frequently. Because pet dander and hair rapidly clog air filters, causing them to function less effectively and requiring you to change them every two months.
  • Change the furnace filter often in houses where family members have allergies to dust, pets, or both. The frequency of cleaning or filter replacement should increase in proportion to how essential clean air is. It might need to be changed every 45 days if there is an allergy sufferer in your household. You can contact the same company you have for Furnace Installations in Cincinnati.
  • The number of residents will impact the air quality in your house. The frequency of air filter replacement for a single individual without pets will be significantly lower than that of a family with children and several pets.
  • If you are utilizing a less costly fiberglass filter and your HVAC system is functioning almost constantly, you will need to change your filter every few weeks. This is particularly important to remember if you have a system that runs almost nonstop.


A clogged HVAC filter can cause a reduction in airflow or even a complete lack of air penetration. This makes your HVAC system work more to maintain your home’s temperature, raising your power cost. If you have any issues with the air quality, you should speak with an expert since it may indicate that you need to improve your system. We recommend using reliable residential air filters supplier like Custom Filters Direct to buy superior quality air filters online.

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