Ahead of International Women’s Day, Nicky Morgan gave an interview in which she shared her views on feminism, part-time work, the lack of female school heads and what can be done to tackle the problem.
Who is Nicky Morgan?
Nicky Morgan is not your typical working mom cliche. While she is a mother of a school-age child, Nicky Morgan is also the education Secretary with tons of responsibilities and lots of ideas on how to improve the field. Her husband is the one who stays at home to take care of their son while Nicky Morgan smashes down every single cliche about being a mom and holding a high position in the administration.
Problems within the education system

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It’s no secret that the education systems of many countries need to be reformed. More and more students tend to look for the cheapest essay writing service as they simply have no time to deal with all assignments they are given. It is frustrating, yet it seems like cheap essay writing help is the only option for those who are willing to graduate and get a degree. It is not difficult to find a cheap essay writing service online as there are lots of affordable paper writing agencies available. The problem is that addressing one’s request to the cheapest essay writing service can become a habit which means that students will lose the skills to analyze information, write papers well and study effectively in general.
Lack of female heads at schools
However, the root of the problem lies even deeper. While colleges are busy trying to convince students that the option to buy essay cheap online is only a temporary solution, the education Secretary UK highlights another important issue – the absolute lack of female school heads. As a mother of a schoolchild, Nicky Morgan knows what she is talking about.
Currently, three quarters of teachers at school are women, yet only 37 percent of them become school heads. To deal with this issue, Morgan offers a few working solutions:
- Setting up a website for teachers where they will be able to find job-share partners
- Popularizing the idea of becoming a school head, thus bringing change and new vision to educational institutions
- Developing a program of classroom ‘mentors’ that will be aimed at helping mothers get back in the field
If we want to make sure that students minimize the use of the cheapest essay writing service and complete the tasks themselves, leading by example is the first step in this direction. Besides, a mother who has managed to get back to work and realize her full potential either in the field of teaching or managing the whole school speaks volumes about the opportunities the government of the country provides, as well as the freedom to make this decision knowing that they won’t have to deal with a glass ceiling yet again. Who knows, maybe successful stories will inspire students to refrain from placing an order on the website of the cheapest essay writing service. While there is nothing wrong with getting cheap essay writing help once in a while, it quickly becomes a habit, and a student is no longer motivated to work hard.

sonamabcd / Pixabay
Cross-dressing in the Commons
The idea of cross-dressing presupposes that people can wear the clothes that are are typically worn by the representatives of other genders. For instance, pants were viewed as a male-only element of clothing for a very long time. Yet, it has become an essential part of women’s wardrobe. So, the question is whether it is time for men to wear clothes that are typically worn by females to work or to school, for instance. Perhaps. One of the supporting arguments for this social change is that it may help to better understand the issue of gender gap, and what can be done to get rid of it.
Bringing change
Yet, the most important aspect to highlight is to provide women with better career opportunities, as well as stop discriminating against them. One of the most obvious examples of such discrimination is the inability to get a job because a woman may potentially become a mother in future. Thus, they won’t be as effective as they used to be. The goal here is to show that mothers do not necessarily have to stay at home with their children. Their husbands can be the ones who take the leave. In addition, there is no need for a woman to put an end to her career simply because she is a mother now. Combining the two is possible. What is more, it can be done effectively. Women just need to have more reassurance that they and their choices are welcome within the workplace. The more sure a woman is that she will be able to continue growing and developing in her field, the bolder her career choices are going to be. The latter is beneficial for all: the woman herself, her family and the society she lives in. Trained professionals and qualified experts play a vital role in changing the world for the better and making sure people are provided with equal opportunities.
Read more education articles at ClichéMag.com
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