Summer is a strange thing: we wait all year long for it, and once it arrives, it seems to be gone again in the blink of an eye. June rolls in quietly like an old friend, July comes in fits of heat and fireworks, and then August—August is a sneaky one. Suddenly you realize you took the summer for granted and let it drift on by, and you scramble to cram in everything you’ve ever wanted to do into four short weeks. You find yourself planning a lot more than being spontaneous and groaning at “Back to School” commercials (whether you are still in school or not, you will forever remember the panic and denial these commercials caused). And worst of all, you find yourself looking at the calendar all the time. In July, you didn’t know if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. In August, you know what day it is exactly, as well as how many days you have left. Finally, September feels like waking from a strange dream.
While cherishing the last few days of freedom seems to be on everyone’s agenda this month, we at Cliché are also looking ahead to my favorite season of all: fall. Something about donning ankle boots, silk scarves, and light sweaters makes me feel so cozy and at home. While the hot, sticky summer makes us strip down to the least amount of clothing deemed socially acceptable, the fall brings back the endless options of accessorizing and layering. However, perhaps my favorite thing about fall is walking (or running) through a field of freshly fallen, crisp leaves. The world gets a little redder, and a little golder, and that is all right with me.
In this issue, in combination with the end of summer and the beginning of fall, we give you some beauty tips to replenish your tired skin from sun-soaked days and beautiful fall collections that are giving us serious cases of lust. We are also incredibly honored to chat with Mayim Bialik about the new season of The Big Bang Theory, premiering next month. With all that said, September doesn’t sound so bad after all.
Megan Portorreal
Now I want to hear from YOU! Got questions or comments about the new issue? Send me an e-mail at [email protected] or tweet me @meganportorreal for the fastest response! I am also on Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr.
“Ed Letter: Aug/Sept 2014” was originally published in Cliché Magazine’s Aug/Sept 2014 issue

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