Entertainment Interview

Nicky Whelan Interview

We would imagine that there is a lot of action in the series. Is the role physically demanding?
Not yet, but we had some gun training before we started. Shooting a gun is so foreign to me, as I didn’t grow up around them!
You’re also playing the lead in the upcoming action/thriller Left Behind opposite Nicolas Cage. Though you’ve been in the business for years, do you still feel “star-struck” when meeting and working with other big Hollywood names?
It’s always such a treat to work with talented people. Nicolas is a total professional and an absolute pleasure to work with.
The film Left Behind is based on a wildly popular book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. Did you read the novels prior to signing onto the project, or was it the script alone that drew you in?
I had not read [the books], but I saw the original movie.
You’ve done everything from action to comedy. Do you have a favorite, and is there any genre you’d love to tackle in the future?
I’m a very big fan of sci-fi movies, so I’d love a great role in one of them! And, on a side note, I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan!
To see exclusive photographs from our Nicky Whelan interview, be sure to read our June/July 2014 issue!

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