Entertainment Interview

Nicky Whelan Interview

You’ve been working on so many projects simultaneously. Does it take its toll on you, or do you prefer the “workaholic” lifestyle?
I love my job so much. It’s never hard to wake up and go to work. I’m truly grateful.
Does your busy career ever interfere with your personal life?
Again, I love my job, and I’m good at controlled chaos—for the most part!
When you’re not on set, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Do you still practice any of your old hobbies?
Yes, I still love swimming. I collect masks and art. I also travel heaps!
Tell us about your role in Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming action-series, Matador.
In Matador, I play an undercover CIA agent named Annie Mason. She’s bossy, intense, and hardcore!
What made you sign onto this project?
It was a no brainer—such a powerful character to play. The writers, creators, and Robert Rodriguez are all geniuses. I was in love with the pilot after the first scene!

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