Entertainment Interview

Cover Story: For Shrinks & Giggles

For readers who haven’t seen the show, tell us a little bit more about Lacey.
She’s Charlie [Sheen]’s patient. He’s her court-appointed therapist. In the pilot episode, we find out that she shot her boyfriend in the balls for cheating on her! She’s got “daddy issues,” so every week she’s got some problems with guys. She can’t hold a steady job. She’s got issues with her family. She just has a lot of problems! She’s an L.A. girl who reminds me a lot of someone off of Shahs of Sunset. I see her as Kim Kardashian with a knife and a gun. I don’t know. She’s just a closed-off, angry girl who shoots from the hip and says whatever’s on her mind. I was very scared that people wouldn’t respond to the character, but it’s been the opposite. I think people like Lacey because of the fact that she says whatever she wants without any filter. That’s a strong place for a character to be funny. People like that because we can’t do that in our real lives. I certainly don’t go around saying what I think all the time, but it’s fun for me to go to work and be able to do that.
Were you nervous to meet and play opposite Charlie Sheen, given his not-so-reputable history in the media?
I wouldn’t say I was nervous. I was definitely shy. [I wasn’t] scared, but just in awe of him a little bit. I didn’t know what he would be like, but it’s been great! He’s a pretty great guy.
Do you have any funny stories from behind the scenes?
God, there’s too many! Every day is a unique and sexy and funny experience on the set of Anger Management.
Season one received such great ratings. What can viewers expect from season two?
We get to know all the characters so much more as the season goes on. We met [Lacey’s] sister earlier, but we’re going to meet her parents and more of the guys that she dates. She moves in with one of the other cast members—I’m not allowed to say who—but there’s going to be a whole storyline between them. It’s great because, as the show goes on, we can get deeper into all of the characters, despite the fact that it’s a sitcom. We have a 100-episode order, so we get to go deeper and deeper with every character. That’s been really fun for me. The writers surprise us with the script, and I don’t know what’s coming either! So I’ll get a script and find out that her parents are going to be on the show next week. It’s exciting for me as an actor. I think the audience would like to see more of the group [therapy] characters. That’s what they’ve been saying, and that’s what the writers are going to give them. The groups are going to be pretty strong in season two and it’s a really funny part of the show. I’m happy about that.
What’s a typical day for you when you’re not on set?
When I’m not on set, I sleep in if I can. I find myself waking up earlier and earlier these days—I don’t know why—but I try to stay in bed for a long time. Shooting days are so long, sometimes 15-16 hours, so I try and let my body rest and do as little as I possibly can. I do go to the gym and go out to eat!
Having accomplished such a variety of work, what else is on your bucket list—anything else that you hope to accomplish in your career?
I mean there’s so many things that I feel I have yet to accomplish and so many things that I want to do artistically. There’s so many roles that I want to play. I want to do an action film. I would love to work with some of these directors that I really admire. I’d love to have my own show one day. There are so many things I would love to do. I feel like I’m just at the very beginning of my career. I hope I get the chance to do more.
In light of our holiday issue, what are your plans for the season?
This is the first year I’m going to cook my own turkey. I’m pretty excited about it! I cooked my husband a full Thanksgiving meal and watched him play a lot of hockey. He plays a game every other night, so it’s the perfect way for me to take my mind off of my own job. It’s an exciting sport, so I can go crazy in the stands!
What about New Year’s? Any resolutions for 2014?
I want to use my phone less and watch the sun set more.
To read the full interview, check out our Dec 2013/Jan 2014 issue, available now!
Photography: Quavondo, MUA: Jeffrey Paul, Hair: Ian James, Stylist: Laura Kiechle

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