
How To Achieve That Picture Perfect Smile

How To Achieve That Picture Perfect Smile

Have you every wondered how to achieve that picture perfect smile?  Are you starting to notice that your smile is looking dull in photos and when you look in the mirror it’s making you feel disheartened?

If you are a big fan of tea and coffee, then you will often find that your teeth will naturally look yellow, and this will show in photos knocking your confidence. Don’t let it stop you from smiling or drinking that much-needed coffee in the mornings! Using these top six tips, you will be walking away with a beautiful smile that you are proud of. 

Clip-On Veneers 

picture perfect smile

covantnyc / Pixabay

Veneers are a cosmetic solution for correcting any aesthetic flaws. Going for clip-on veneers is an excellent option for you, if you have discolored, missing, broken or crooked teeth that stop you from smiling. A company like instasmile includes a quick and painless way to create a self-impression your teeth at home using 3D design techniques along with saving you more money than doing it through your regular dentist. They are designed to be worn as much or as little as you wish, so if you only want to wear them for special occasions then that’s not a problem! 

picture perfect smile

cialindale / Pixabay

Whitening Treatments

Whitening treatments can be bought from most drugstores for various prices depending on what you are looking for, getting a step closer to that perfect smile you’ve been dreaming of. Whitening products can come in multiple options, but one of the easiest ways is placing a whitening strip onto your teeth for a certain amount of time for instant results. 

The Baking soda trick onto your toothbrush and brushing the teeth with it once a week has also prooved results for many people while being less harsh than whitening products that are on the shelf. 

You can buy retainers that you fill with a whitening gel that you put on that sometimes is accompanied by an LED light can activate the solution but this can cause damage to your teeth if it’s applied to often. If you are looking for more of a permanent whitening method then seeking a professional can help by showing you how many shades whiter they can improve them by and can give you the peace of mind that they know what they are doing.  

General Hygiene 

Regular maintaining of hygiene should already have been in your everyday routine since you were young, but switching up the type of products you use can boost the look of your teeth. For example; if you are using a Mouthwash and toothpaste that are mainly for whitening from a particular brand then it will often become immune to your teeth and will stop working, so choosing a different brand will keep making your products work harder and give better results each time. If you are worried about your gums being healthy the choosing a mouth wash where its main focus is to help them is an excellent option to go for, then opting for a whitening toothpaste to keep everything maintained. Flossing your teeth twice a day before brushing can prevent a build-up of yellow or off-white plague.  

Sparkle in your eyes

Having a shimmer in your eyes when you are naturally happy can make a world of difference when you are smiling. It gives your whole a face a lift, a new freshness about you, leaving you with a glowing complexion, making your teeth appear brighter and whiter. Holding your camera higher than eye level can improve the sparkle in your eyes as the light catches them enlightening your face as well. 

It’s the little things that transform your face. The color lipstick you wear can give the illusion that your teeth are whiter than they are. For example; using a glossy lipstick that has a slight blue undertone will lighten your teeth. Even choosing an uplifting blush color will boost your look, enhancing your eyes and your smile. The easiest way of having a radiant, fresh smile is being happy. Laughter is the best smile, an uncontrollable natural smile and shows your beautiful teeth. 

Watch what you drink

Although drinks like wine, black tea, and coffee are a lovely and quick option for when you need a hot drink, it can encourage yellowing on the teeth and cause them to look dull and can drop your confidence. Drinking through a straw, particularly if you are having a drink like coffee can avoid it from swishing around your mouth as you sip. Fizzy drinks can cause the same problem where your teeth will squirm and weaken over time from all the sugars that it contains which interacts with the bacteria in your mouth and forms an acid that attacks the teeth constantly.

Exfoliate your lips to perfect your smile 

There are multiple ways to scrub your lips, so they are silky soft to make your smile flawless. The classic lip scrub can be used as often as you like by rubbing it into your lips in circular motions with your fingers. You can make your own lip scrub with sugar and olive oil and adding a couple of drops of vanilla essence to give it some flavour. It’s great if you are worried about licking off the product as you are aware of what ingredients are in it. If you are looking for a quick fix option, like if you are about to attend an event or take a photo then taking your toothbrush and brushing your lips can take off any dead skin that has built up on your lips, it will give your lips a fuller effect.

If you have an event coming up or you are looking to have photos taken of you then hopefully, with these top tips your smile can transform how you look by giving you a refreshing glow with clip-on veneers or fall in love with your new white teeth with at-home methods. Having silky lips as well as showing off your natural smile will give you the confidence that you need when you look back at your photos. 

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Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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