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What is Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) Overload?

What is Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) Overload?

If you’re a licensed doctor or a nursing practitioner who has completed qualifications like RN to MSN online programs, you’ll likely already be familiar with the concept of Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) overload, what causes it, and its effects – physical, physiological, and psychological. 

For everyone else, stay with us we define what Sympathetic Nervous System overload is, how it can affect our bodies and our minds, and perhaps most importantly, how you can overcome it. 

Defining Sympathetic Nervous System Overload: What Is It?

To understand what Sympathetic Nervous System overload entails, first, we need to clarify what the Sympathetic Nervous System is.  Defined as part of our physiological makeup that kicks in when our ‘fight or flight’ response is activated, the SNS goes into gear when we are stressed, distressed, overwhelmed, or when we are in danger. SNS activation is a normal physiological response to scary scenarios – one that has been present in humans since quite literally the dawn of time, and which can be applauded for protecting our prehistoric ancestors from constant threats of mortality, like being attacked by predators.

When we are excessively stressed or agitated, however, our SNS can become, as it were, overloaded. Sympathetic Nervous System overload, then, can be defined as an acute and prolonged state of stress and agitation. This state of chronic agitation and distress can, unsurprisingly, have a highly detrimental effect on the body. Some of the symptoms of SNS overload can include:

  • Insomnia, trouble staying asleep, and frequent sleep disturbance and disruption.
  • Trouble or issues with our digestive system.
  • Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, and lethargy.
  • Constant emotional distress, that can develop into serious mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Overcoming Sympathetic Nervous System Overload: Treatment and Care

If you’re experiencing Sympathetic Nervous System overload, the good news is you can overcome it. Here are some strategies and tips on how to avoid it spinning out of control: 

Acknowledge Your Stress

The first step to overcoming SNS overload? Acknowledging and accepting that you have a problem. Of course, this can be easier said than done. Above all, doing this requires us to be able to slow down and take stock of our emotional and physical state. Constantly feel like you’re tearing your hair out, rushing around at a frenetic pace, and so anxious you can’t sleep at night? Take these signs as the warning bells that you need to start prioritizing your emotional well-being. 

Calm Your Mind

You’ve acknowledged that you’re operating at a level of extreme stress. Sometimes, that’s the hardest part. The next step? Learning how to cultivate a calm state of mind. This is also easier said than done. As mentioned, you’ve been operating in a state of extreme turmoil for quite some time. Calming your mind will take work and a great deal of effort. Where to start? Try engaging with a guided meditation, or perhaps, simply book in some alone time to sit still with your thoughts.

Work on Your Breathing

Another fantastic way to calm your mind? Breath work. There are several different ways you can work to control your breathing – including the popular ‘box breath’ or ‘square breathing’ methods, which both facilitate the ability to regulate, slow down, and manage your breath. By focusing simply on inhaling and exhaling, we can allow ourselves to be present, mindful, and calm.

Try the ‘Tapping’ Solution

If you’ve never heard of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – also known as the ‘Tapping’ solution – allow us to enlighten you. Known as a simple yet effective method to release stress and anxiety from the body, EFT requires you to gently tap focal areas – such as pulse points – on the body. This helps to both physically release tension, and also, to gain emotional control when we are feeling stressed and anxious. 

Seek Therapy

If none of this is working, it could be time to seek professional help. Remember – there is no shame in seeking therapy. If anything, it takes strength and courage to admit you need support. 

The benefits of attending therapy are thousand-fold and can support you in working through your deeper traumas, to help heal you of your SNS overload.

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