
14 Things Worth Spending More Money On

14 Things Worth Spending More Money On

Sometimes there’s a bargain to be had, discounts being offered and a hunt for the best deal. However, remember the saying ‘You get what you pay for’, well in some cases it really is true and getting what you think is a good deal financially may leave you very disappointed. Some things one life are worth spending good money on. Some things you want to last you a long time, others may be a once in a lifetime expense, and others are significant and will cost a lot more in the long run when you have to get a replacement. Here are 14 things worth spending more money on.


Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

Your Education

Education is one of the most valuable things that you can have and spend your money on. You may not realize it at the time but having a good education can not only lead you onto a good career, but it can also give you more knowledge, confidence, and connections which will help you to achieve a happy and financially independent life. It’s essential to invest in your education, and it doesn’t just mean going to college or university. It could be a course that will give you a step-up at the company you work for already; it could be learning a skill that you can use. Learning and understanding another language or signing up for an advanced language courses could help enrich your life, learning first-aid could save someone else’s life. Generally, the more you learn about different cultures, religions, and professions, the more you will be able to see the world from a different perspective.

A Wedding Photographer

People have different opinions when it comes to how much they spend on their wedding, some think ‘it’s just one day’ so what’s the point and others think ‘I’m only doing this once so let’s go all out’ whichever one you think, one thing is for sure, your photographs are extremely important to capture the day and remember forever. It is well worth spending more money on a decent wedding photographer, you can skimp on the decorations, even get cheaper food options, but it’s not worth trying to get a cheap photographer who isn’t very good. Shop around, look at portfolios and compare so that you get a good idea of what you want and what to look for. Take, for example, Vittore Buzzi Photographer; the site is full of blogs about the different weddings and plenty of photos to show off the work. If you’re thinking of going with a photographer because they have a good deal, but they don’t have a website, then think again.


While traveling can be expensive, it’s totally worth it as it creates memories that last a lifetime- even the bad experiences which you will eventually laugh about. One trip to Europe could cost you the same as a decent laptop. Forget all the materialistic things and instead choose a night under the Northern Lights, a kiss on the Eiffel Tower, or a long journey backpacking through the Alps. Broaden your mind, meet new people, make some memories and think about your bank balance later.


Learning to play an instrument is an excellent start to a new tradition in your family and another thing which can create moments and memories to last a lifetime. Again looking for a cheap deal on an instrument or a tutor can end up costing you more in the long run, it’s far better to spend a bit of money on getting it right, learning correctly from the best and investing in it if it’s what you want. You can read a resource like SoundHalo to find a musical instrument to start your journey.


Books are a different experience for each person who reads them. Everyone has a different imagination and will see something different from other people. Books don’t need you to turn them on, charge them or restart them. They are things you can keep and treasure and then pass down from generation to generation. It is a much different experience to sit somewhere, with a book in hand, with absolutely no distractions. Books are portals to explore completely different worlds with a turn of a page.


Some cheap food can be good and tasty, but have you ever spent more money on some excellent quality food? If not, then do it. Even just once, try that really expensive steak and wine to go with it. Treat yourself. Also, spend money on trying out new foods in different countries and not just at restaurants but take some cooking classes in Italy or visit a chocolatier in Belgium. It’s so worth putting your money into things that will create memories instead of the instant materialistic things. You don’t have to spend all of it on creating memories, but if you do, it won’t be something you regret.


You should probably own one really nice and decent pair of shoes. Buying an expensive pair every year or couple of years will save you so much more money than buying lots of cheaper pairs that will wear out fast and won’t support for your back and feet. If you are on your feet for most of the day or you work out frequently, then a comfortable pair of shoes is essential, and they can help prevent injuries in the long run. You could get some from a factory outlet, so you’re not spending as much but still getting the top quality. Buying last season’s will save you some money if you need to, but you’ll soon see how worth it they are and your feet with thank you for it.

Kitchen Knives

According to anyone who cooks professionally, or cooks more than just pasta for themselves on a regular basis, you should have a few good kitchen knives. Stay away from knife sets, though. The knives in sets tend not to be that great and often have multiples of the same knife, which you really don’t need. Go to a professional kitchen shop and get some good advice and some create knives. It will change chopping for you forever.

Camping Gear

If you are going camping, then it really is best to fork over a little extra cash for a nice tent and sleeping bag. It’s not just about being nice, but being comfortable, staying dry and keeping warm. Sleeping outside is hard enough; you want to make sure you’re comfortable enough to get some rest and actually enjoy your experience. There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep in a leaking tent during a storm. If you think you’ll probably only camp once, or it’s your first time, and you don’t want to spend a lot in case you don’t like it, then it’s a good idea to borrow some proper camping equipment from someone to see if you like it. Or you could go to a campsite where all the stuff is there ready for you and can see what you think.

Your Mattress

Did you know that you spend a third of your life sleeping? So a mattress is really not something you want to skimp on. You should go out and get the most comfortable, most supportive mattress you can find. Again, shop around, try them out and work out which one is right for you. Go and test the expensive, top-of-the-range and see how good they are. You won’t regret spending a little more when you are having so many amazing nights sleep and are waking up each day fully rested and rejuvenated for the day ahead.

Your Eyes

Your vision may be your most important sense, and therefore, it’s worth buying the most comfortable contact lenses or glasses. If you need to wear glasses, then go for the thinnest lenses with anti-reflection and a scratch-proof coating.  If you wear hidrocor contacts, then go for daily wear contacts that contain the latest breathable technology and don’t reuse your disposable contacts beyond their recommended usage. Also, you can allow yourself to spend more on sunglasses too; they protect your eyes from the sun, so it’s totally worth it, and you’ll look good also.

Photo of woman holding her eyeglasses

Photo by Vinícius Estevão on Pexels

Your Teeth

It’s also essential to look after your teeth. Invest in a decent toothbrush and good toothpaste. Make sure you floss and brush at least twice a day, use mouthwash and visit the dentist regularly. Toothache is so painful and can cause lots of problems, so it’s far better to use preventative measures when it comes to your dental health than to try and fix it when it’s too late.


Going for a massage, having physical therapy, acupuncture, therapy or coaching are all things worth spending your money on. Life has become so complicated and stressful for many people, so physical and mental health are priceless. Don’t think you’re being overindulgent; it really is vital to look after yourself, make time for yourself and look after yourself.

A Timeless Wardrobe

Think classic garments, good quality and pieces which will never go out of style. If you do it carefully as well and have decent pieces of clothing that you can mix and match you’ll always have something to wear. Invest in well-made clothes that fit you well. There are plenty of places where you can find classic, staple items, and you’ll always look your best.

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Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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