Entertainment / Interviews

Brande Roderick Interview

In 2013, Brande Roderick sat down with us to talk about her life as a mother of two and her time on Celebrity Apprentice All-Star. Almost two years later, she’s still the perfect role model for women around the world. She is living proof that you don’t have to pick between having a family and a career. Below we chat with her about her happy life, her work with Alkaline88, and her new book Bounce, Don’t Break. It’s safe to say that she’s just as amazing now as she was back then, if not more.
Cliché: When we last spoke with you in 2013, you just finished shooting Celebrity Apprentice All-Stars. What have you been working on since then?
Brande Roderick: I’ve really been working on getting the word out about the importance of drinking alkaline water and eating alkaline foods. As I turned the big 40, I realized I’m not getting any younger and with two very small children, at the ages of 3 and 4, I know that I need to do everything in my power to stick around as long as possible. For me, that first step was getting my body balanced so I can live a long healthy life and watch my children’s children grow up.
Being on the advisory board of Alkaline88, how do you manage a full workload and an active role in your children’s lives?
The great thing about my job is that I get to spend quality time with my boys. I’ll travel for a few days straight, but then when I’m home, it’s all about them. I get to enjoy every moment, whether it’s making breakfast for them or cooking dinner with my boys. They help me make dinner every night and they are becoming quite the little chefs. When they ask me to do something with them like play catch or play legos, I’ll usually stop what I’m doing and play with them because I know this part of their lives is short and soon enough they won’t even want me around. I’m not saying it’s easy because it’s not, but really trying to remember to stop and smell the roses—as silly and cliché as it sounds—really is a good reminder.
As a highly successful business woman and mother of two, what advice do you have for women who want to balance an active career and motherhood?
I think it’s extremely important to take care of yourself, meaning go get your hair and nails done. Get that facial you’ve been wanting. Go have a drink with a girlfriend. You’ll come back rejuvenated and ready to spend good quality time with your family. It’s very important to make sure mommy is happy. Remember the saying “happy wife equals happy life.”
Like doing yoga, Brande Roderick knows the importance of balancing her personal and work life.
When you’re not working, what is your favorite thing to do with, and without, your family?
I love doing anything with my boys; I love all the firsts. I took them to see the snow for the first time this year. I love watching my oldest try new foods. I love going to the movies with my family. We all love going to sushi. And this year I’m looking forward to Disneyland and Legoland. However, one of the easy no-money things I love doing with my boys is packing a lunch, walking with them to the park for a picnic, and just watching them play.
Without my family, I love to read while taking a bubble bath and drinking a glass of cold champagne. By the way, a great bottle of inexpensive champagne is Korbel Rose.
On top of all that you have done, you also came out with your own book. What made you decide to write Bounce, Don’t Break?
I’ve had friends asking me for advice for many years and just decided it was time to put it on paper. I wanted to share with people what had worked and not worked in my life to maybe help someone along in their journey, whether it be about love, career, health, and beauty on the inside or out.
With Bounce, Don’t Break having been so well received, do you have any plans to come out with another book?
I’m currently working on a book called The 21 Day Alkaline88 Challenge. It will be about the importance of living an alkaline lifestyle in moderation. The easiest first step that anyone can do is drink Alkaline88 water and you will notice the change in how you look and feel. But if you’d like to take the next step, I have a bunch of really yummy alkaline recipes and tips for being active.
Be sure to go www.alkaline88.com to find local stores that sale Alkaline88 water, and www.branderoderick.com to purchase her book.
Read more Interviews at ClicheMag.com.
Brande Roderick Interview: Photographed by Keith Munyan

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