
Dealing With The Social Implications Of A Health Condition

implications of a health condition

Today we want to share tips on dealing with the social implications of a health condition. It’s very easy to give health advice that implies your only concern for your day-to-day wellbeing is managing whatever condition you have. Of course, for some people, that is the main priority they need to manage when sustaining their best quality of life. However, experiencing a health condition is not the be-all and end-all of their daily experience. You still have a life to live, a routine to manage, and sometimes, responsibilities to care for provided your health condition isn’t all-encompassing.

For this reason, it’s important to not only manage the condition itself but also how it affects your wider daily experience. An often under-discussed topic is that of the social implications of a health condition. Rarely are health issues ever convenient, comfortable, or supportive to free expression, which can sometimes mean your social experience is diminished. However, while this can test who your true friends are, those that stick around will offer relationships that are deeper, more honest and loving than any else you could take part in.

That said, there are some precautions to take. In this post, we’ll discuss that and more:

Be Honest & Open, But Remember You’re Never Obligated

It’s good to be honest with people who become part of your life, telling them about your health condition so they know what to expect and how to best interact with you. For example, you might not be able to head to the bar each weekend, or play sport, but you can still be a good time. Just remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation, you should never apologize for your health condition, and you’re not less of a friend just because you welcome a different kind of friendship. You are an equal contributor to this relationship, and knowing that can help you avoid apologizing for who you are.

Make Your Support Needs Clear

implications of a health condition

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

In some cases, you may need to rely on friends to help you in some contexts. This might involve teaching your friend how to ring a support number if travelling with you abroad, what your medications are, or when you need to attend certain appointments. As you develop in your friendship and begin to trust them implicitly, this can help them feel empowered in caring for you, as they will absolutely hope to do.

Be Objective

Just as you have boundaries because of your health condition, your friends or partner may as well. Not everyone is set up to care for someone in their life, or to be an emergency contact, and that’s okay. However, some will be more than willing, such as those who won’t mind helping you with your T slim insulin pump, those that will help push your wheelchair to give you a rest, or those who will help you visit health appointments. You’d be surprised just how much people are willing to contribute if you give them the benefit of the doubt, particularly because your health condition doesn’t mak you less of an interesting, dynamic, and comforting person to be around. 

With this advice, we hope you can more easily deal with the social implications of a health condition, feeling comforted in that space as necessary.

Read more health articles at Cliché
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