Beauty / Fashion

Are Sarongs Still In?

For us girls, a typical dilemma when preparing for a beach get-away involves the inevitable question: “what do I wear over my bathing suit?” Sure, there are plenty of light weight dresses, over-sized old t-shirts, and neon-mesh tank tops in our wardrobes to choose from. But don’t forget about the tried and true beach cover-up that has been around since the 1800’s.
The Sarong.

These fairly cheap, easily accessible and durable garments are a fun and creative addition to any closet.

This loose-fitting garment was originally worn around the waist of both men and women in the pacific islands such as Malay Archipelago, Sri Lanka, and more. Now, a western adaptation of the sarong, literally translated sheath, functions as a multi-purpose summer garment.

Most likely you’ve owned one of these practical, sleek pieces of cloth at some point. You may be wondering, Are Sarongs Still In?
With their variety of designs and many ways of being worn, the sarong still stands as a perfectly stylish and suitable staple to any summer wardrobe.
Do you have a creative way of tying your sarong? Tweet us your sarong style @clichemag

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