
Barefoot Blonde: Blonde and Beautiful

If you’re a blogger aficionado like the rest of us here at Cliché, then the blonde locks of this once New York-based blogger are hard to miss. Amber Fillerup Clark of Barefoot Blonde has dazzled us with her breathtaking lifestyle, spirited personality, and effortlessly graceful heart. Having first sparked our interest with her dream-like braided styles on Instagram and YouTube, Clark has shared her life with both readers and fans over the years through her blog and social media outlets that have bloomed into something mesmerizing each time. From her loving marriage with her husband David to the birth of her two adorable babes, Atticus and Rosie, this compassionate, carefree, and positive blogger is and has always been a true delight to know. No matter what she posts on social media or her blog, we always find ourselves entranced and wanting to know more of what she is currently up to. At the moment, Clark is soaking up the sun with her family of four (including her dog Chauncey) in Hawaii, where she is now residing. So, calling all Barefoot Blonde fans (if you’re not one yet, you’ll be one in a second), read on and grab your own little ray of sunshine! 

Cliché: Barefoot Blonde has become a phenomenon in the blogging world. It is most known for your magical braided hairstyles and impeccable style. What was the spark that started your blogging journey?
Amber Fillerup Clark: I started my blog as a way to share my photos with family while I was spending a summer in Fiji! When I returned, I kept going and started sharing photos of the hairstyles I would create. From there, it slowly transitioned into fashion, hair, and lifestyle!

You come from a family of three sisters who are all beautifully different. We love when you post photos with them and we can see how close you all are! Growing up, how did your bond with your sisters influence you? Did they help give you the confidence to be your own person and pursue your dreams?
My sisters and I have always been really, really close! We never had that “fighting” period when we were younger and have always gotten along really well. We are all so different and they have always inspired me in their own ways. My youngest sister, Jamie, is one who tries new things all the time, and when she does something, she does it well. She is a super hard worker and always inspires me to try new things with my business and to follow through. Ashley, the middle sister, is always so organized and on top of everything. She and I got to take classes together at BYU and I loved this time with her; she definitely made sure I didn’t skip class and got all of my work done.

There is no denying that you have one of the most adorable families that have graced social media. How do you manage being a blogger while being both a mother to two little tots and a wife?
I’m not going to lie; it is a lot! It is always a battle for me to juggle work and being a mom because I love my job and I love my kids, and it is hard to make time for both. It is hard for me to be away from them, even for a few hours, so I try to remember how lucky I am to have a job I enjoy and I try to make the most of my time where I am not in “mom mode.” Ultimately, my kids always come first, which sometimes means I have to push a deadline back because one of my babies got sick or something, but they will always be my top priority! Being a mom was always a dream of mine since I was really little, and I feel so incredibly blessed to be their mom and to get to play with them every day. They are sooo much fun.

Your husband’s support in all of your endeavors is definitely noted by your readers and followers. When you aren’t being the power couple that you are, what do you do to get away from all the hard work that you accomplish? Do you enjoy weekly date nights or a little getaway?
He is definitely my biggest supporter and has been since my blog was just starting. Anytime someone would make fun of it when we were dating, he was the first to jump in and say how awesome it was and to keep going! Working together can be hard, but date nights and taking time to turn off all work-related things and just enjoy a good show is something we try to do as often as possible. We love binge-watching shows together.
As Barefoot Blonde grows significantly each year, what do you hope your blog becomes for others?
I would love for people to come for inspiration, whether it be a new destination to travel to, a new hairstyle to try, a new beauty product to use, or just to remember to take “me” time as a mom to feel good about yourself―any type of inspiration!

Do you have any exciting collaborations or posts coming up?
We have been holding off on campaigns for the next couple of months to just have a bit of a break, but we are going to be working on a lot of fun content in Hawaii and during our trip in Australia! We have tons of fun blog posts and videos coming up, including hair tutorials, a vlog we are making when we take an ax-throwing class in Sydney, and some photos from scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef! We also have a fun trip coming in March where we will be heading to Asia and we have a lot of great content planned for that trip.

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“Barefoot Blonde: Blonde & Beautiful” originally appeared in Cliché Magazine’s Feb/March 2017 issue. Photographs courtesy of Barefoot Blonde.

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