Entertainment / Entertainment Interview

Bailey Noble Interview

Vampires, werewolves and shapeshifters, oh my! There’s no arguing that HBO’s hit show TrueBlood paved the way for others of its kind. Now supernatural television has become quite the norm. Still, TrueBlood’s unique way of presenting a fictitious coexistence between humans and the paranormal was nothing short of brilliant to viewers at home, gaining the show a collection of awards and a devoted following. Actress Bailey Noble recognized the show’s genius right away. She was drawn to its undeniable darkness—an odd choice for a girl whose vibrancy and liveliness is practically tangible. Of course, this does explain how she was appropriately cast as Adillyn Bellefleur, an adorable and selfless half-faerie who brings both a literal and figurative lightness to the city of Bon Temps, Louisiana. While it began as a small role, Noble’s character was bumped up to a season regular, so we will be seeing a lot more of this pretty pixie as TrueBlood enters its seventh and final season. With her useful magic and desire to help others in need, Adillyn Bellefleur is sure to be an asset in this never-ending war between the humans and the vampires. Sure, the character may be able to read minds, but certainly wouldn’t need to in order to find out how excited we are for what is sure to be an epic finale!

Cliché: What made you decide to pursue a career in acting?
Bailey Noble: It’s something I always loved, and when I realized I could make a career out of it, I was all in! I get to explore different lives and realities that I maybe wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

If you didn’t “make it” in Hollywood, what was your backup plan? Were there any other career fields that you were interested in?
I never had a backup plan! I never wanted to think about it not working out.

You’ve made guest appearances on really popular shows like Glee and 90210. Are those roles fun for you, or does it feel like you don’t get the full on-set experience?
It’s so much fun! Every set is different, but I love getting to work with new people—even if it’s just for a day.

On TrueBlood, you play Adillyn Bellefleur, a half-faerie in a world that’s already swarming with other supernatural beings. What does being a half-faerie consist of?
We have light power that we can use to protect ourselves and others. Faerie blood is a drug to vampires, so it makes us very desirable. My favorite power is mind-reading; I wish I could do that in real life!

What is it about the role that initially drew you in?
It was dark! Adilyn Bellefleur goes through a lot, but in a world of danger she somehow manages to be a light.

Ever since you became a season regular, how has your life changed now that you’re on set a lot more?
It hasn’t changed too much! We have such a big cast that we also get a fair amount of down time. I still have time to do the things I love, like yoga, seeing my friends, and looking for my next job!

There’s been quite a lot of (surprise, surprise) blood and gore on previous seasons of TrueBlood. Can we expect the same throughout the last season?
Of course! We wouldn’t be us without some blood and gore!

How do you deal with that kind of “messiness” on-set? It seems like making bodies explode takes a lot of work!
I haven’t had the honor of seeing a body explode yet, but it is pretty amazing to me how real the blood and guts look up close!

Are you ever freaked out during some of the more creepy or horrific scenes?
I think I get more creeped out watching it! There are always a ton of people on set, so even when it’s dark and eerie I know that it’s just pretend.

What would you say is your favorite part about working with this cast and crew?
I love getting to spend time with such amazing, talented people. It’s a family that I was lucky to be welcomed into with open arms from day one!

Photos and feature image courtesy of Quavondo.

Bailey Noble Interview “Let There Be Light” originally appeared in Cliché Magazine’s June/July 2014 issue.

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