- First and fore most tell us a bit about who Gabrielle Stone Is?

Image by Jonathan Stoddard
I grew up as a dancer and finally followed in my parents acting footsteps when I was nineteen-years-old. I’ve been acting ever since until 2015 when I directed my first film “It Happened Again Last Night.” I just directed my second festival film starring Amy Smart called “After Emma.” It wasn’t until everything in my life erupted in 2017 that I decided I needed to write a book. Still trying to feel comfortable referring to myself as a writer.
- “EAT, PRAY, #FML is a book you wrote about your past heartbroken relationships which led to you breaking out and taking a major adventure in Europe. Tell us a bit about that experience, and how did it lead to writing the book?
It was nothing short of life changing. In June of 2017 I found out my husband of almost two years had been having an affair with a nineteen-year-old for six months. I filed for divorce and left. Shortly after, I met a man and we fell madly in love. It was a whirlwind romance and he convinced me to join him on a month-long trip to Italy. Forty-eight hours before we were getting on the plane, he told me he needed to go by himself. I was absolutely devastated. But I had a decision to make: stay at home heartbroken, or go travel Europe for a month by myself. So that’s what I decided to do. I knew the second it all happened that I was going to write a book. I started it on my first day in London and wrote almost every day in the journal I brought with me. The trip itself completely changed me as a person. I came back a different woman in all the best ways. Traveling by yourself really forces you to look at all the things you’ve been running from all your life. It was a crazy adventure that I would have never taken the leap to do if it hadn’t happened ‘to’ me.
- When can we expect the book to be out?
The paperback and eBook will be available on Amazon on June 27th!
- What is some advice you can give some women that are going through what you went through during your relationship, and how can they go upon handling it and breaking out like you did?
As far as the divorce, there was no question in my mind once I found out everything that I was going to leave. However, each situation is different and I’ve had friends work through infidelity and have a stronger marriage after it all. For me personally, I have never been more thankful for anything in my life. I soon realized after that I was never really in love with my ex-husband and I am truly so much happier being out of that relationship.
For the real heartbreak, which happened with the man after my divorce, that’s where the real work and struggle was for me. I had to learn a lot of things to move through that heartbreak. Luckily, I was able to do a lot of that on my trip. My advice is to look inside yourself and figure out why things are happening in the way they are (because everything happens for a reason). After you do that work, the most important thing you can do is learn how to love yourself. So many people kept telling me this and it seemed like such a simple thing, but it was so difficult for me to really grasp and understand how to. Thankfully, I finally figured it out and shared it with all my readers, so that they don’t have to go on a grand European adventure to figure it out (although I never won’t recommend that J).
5. Finally, where can people reach out to you via social media?
I’m on all platforms at @gabriellestone and the book is at @eatprayfml. I always love to hear from people who read the book, so make sure to tag me and hashtag #EatPrayFML so I can see and share it!
Interview conducted by Marin Hamataj
Images by Jonathan Stoddard
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