
How Much do Women Spend on Beauty Each Month?

Have you ever wondered how much do women spend on beauty each month?  With self-care being such a key topic in the world right now along with the prevalence of social media in society, many women are spending large amounts of money on beauty each month which can help them to both look and feel better. So, how much are women spending on average on beauty products?

Survey Stats

A study which surveyed 1000 women in the UK found that the average amount spent on beauty products over the course of a year was £482.51. This works out as wearing £2.39 worth of facial products each day which is certainly a lot but is not that surprising when you consider how much social media and advertising people are faced with each day.

how much do women spend on beauty each month?

14751294 / Pixabay

Health & Beauty Industry

The UK health and beauty market is set to be worth around £26.7 million in 2022 which makes it one of the fastest-growing sectors in the retail industry. There is an importance placed on looking your best and staying youthful so it is not surprising that so many women are spending large amounts of money on beauty products (although some much more than others).

Beauty Spending

So, what exactly does this include? This will include all aspects relating to beauty, including small steps like a gel nail manicure through to makeup and skincare products all the way through to cosmetic surgery which is rising in popularity with both men and women.

As mentioned earlier, there will be those that spend far less on beauty each year as well as those that spend far more. There are often ways in which someone can make big savings on beauty spending, but for many people it is also an important part of their identity and they are happy to spend the money.

Benefits of Spending

While the average certainly is high, you cannot put a price on the mental health benefits that looking and feeling your best can bring so this can be money well spent (provided that the individual can afford it). The key is not to spend money on beauty products because of advertisements, social media and pressure from your peers and instead spend the money on products because you enjoy it and it makes you happy.

how much do women spend on beauty each month

Engin_Akyurt / Pixabay

The beauty industry is one which is skyrocketing in the UK and this is not a surprise in a world of advertising, social media, influencers and celebrity culture. The average amount spent by women on beauty products each year is high but if this spend makes people feel happy and good then it should be seen as a positive.

Read more beauty articles at Cliché
Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels & Pixabay

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