
After Difficulty Obtaining A Loan, This Entrepreneur Saved Up Her Money And Successfully Opened A Multicultural Haircare Store

After Difficulty Obtaining A Loan, This Entrepreneur Saved Up Her Money And Successfully Opened A Multicultural Haircare Store

According to Oregon Live, the entrepreneur is filling a direct need for more diverse hair product offerings with the opening of Soulful Strands in Corvallis, OR, not far from Portland. The business officially launched on Nov. 11, 2023.

“I went to Portland and spent $400 at Mid-K Beauty, because we have to stock up when we go out there; there’s nothing like this inward, nearby,” Moss told the outlet.

Moss, who graduated from a business school, already had entrepreneurial plans. Yet, it initially did not center Soulful Strands. Instead, she was looking to open an indoor spa in Portland, but capital was a barrier. Moss also acknowledged that she would have to invest a considerable amount in hair products to pursue the venture in the city.

Her husband suggested opening a store selling haircare products closer to home, and she first looked at Albany, OR. However, a property owner was requiring triple the rent value due to her credit history. Rather than giving up on the venture, Moss continued to keep her options open and ultimately decided on downtown Corvallis.

“Obviously there is a college here, and there’s a lot of Black students here. We have a lot of African people and mixed-race people here,” Moss explained to Oregon Live.

Soulful Strands was a byproduct of four months of saving, hardships with securing a business loan, and assistance from her husband. Nonetheless the efforts behind the “one-stop shop” have been worthwhile as customers have expressed their gratitude, according to the outlet.

The storefront offers products including hair extensions, conditioners, and accessories, and is located near a braiding salon. Moss plans to expand the stores offerings to include makeup, fashion accessories, and African prints, among others.

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