Now that the season of renewals and cancellations are all but over, we took a moment to step back and recall some of our favorite shows that could have lasted a bit longer. From kick-butt action, dramas, mysteries and comedies, the shows on this list ended too soon for our comfort. To keep the list short, we excluded all animated features and any show that lasted longer than three seasons. Now, here’s our list of shows that were gone too soon.
The Cast of Veronica Mars on the series three DVD collection
Veronica Mars (2004-2007)
This series was filled with drama, both in and out of the walls of high school. Veronica was the girl that most could relate to and would love to be besties with. She was smart, bold, and could hold her own in a fight, a Nancy Drew with an edge. While the fan supported film was amazing to watch and added to this beloved cult classic, it reminded viewers of how we missed Veronica and her witty one-liners. The film left us wanting more. Let’s hope that a new series or film is in our future.
The Lying Game (2011-2013)
Lasting only two seasons, this series was like watching Days of Our Lives without the over acting. The recipe for drama is as follows: a set of twins, half-sisters and step-siblings who unknowingly start a relationship with each other, murder, and secret dating. The last one is a guilty pleasure, but one of our favorites.
Joan Of Arcadia (2003-2005)
They say God works in mysterious ways and that has never been made clearer than with Joan Of Arcadia. Often asked to step out of her comfort zone and do things she doesn’t fully understand, Joan showed the power of goodwill and kindness within the harsh reality of the real world. For fans of the series, it is one of a kind. It created an image of God that felt real and touchable. Most religion based shows establish God as a distant being, or leave him out altogether by hinting at his/her existence. One of the major strengths in Joan was that God was real. God walked past you in the streets and God helped you without you even knowing it. There was no religion selling because God was above that. It was just about a girl who talked with God and made the world a better place little by little.
Red Band Society 2014-2015
In short Red Band Society is a drama that focused on the lives of a group of kids/teens who lived in the pediatric ward of a hospital. The outcome is something far more interesting. A show focusing on dying and death can be very moving and hard to watch, especially when young people are involved.
The 9 Lives Of Chloe King (2011)
Chloe King was like a teenage catwoman with a dash of Buffy the Vampire Slayer thrown in. Chloe is chosen to save and unite both her people and the human race. She struggles to understand her heritage and her cat like powers while trying to live a normal teenage life with her friends.
Fox’s poster for Lie to Me
Lie to Me (2009-2011)
I like to think that if you like Criminal Minds this series would have been up your alley. Lie to Me took the ideas of Paul Ekman, one the pioneers in the study of human emotions and its link to facial expression, and showed how they could be applied to crime fighting. The character of Dr. Lightman was based on Paul and his work in this fun to watch crime-drama that took an interesting look into human behavior.
Firefly (2002)
We can’t have a list of shows that ended too soon and not have Firefly on it. This space western had a very thought out cultural backstory and elements that made the series different from anything else out there. Since the show was based in the future, they created new words to mean different things and held a very blended culture. The cast was great and the episodes were well written. While fans of the series did get a movie years after the cancellation, it doesn’t change the fact that this series had years of great storylines ahead of it.
Dollhouse (2009-2010)
On the surface, Dollhouse was an action packed mystery about Echo’s past and what the Dollhouse was really there for. After a few episodes, viewers got to watch an exploration of what it meant to be a person. Are we made up of our memories? Or something that goes beyond that? Does the loss of our memories and replacement of new ones equal a kind of death? It also had heavy mortality issues and a good storyline.
Selfie (2014)
On a light hearted note, we bring you a comedy that reflects the world we live in today. We lost a bit of our social skills over the last few years and watching the main character struggle to regain them was too much to handle.
The Carrie Diaries (2013-2014)
Ever wanted to know how Sex in the City characters found each other? Well, this show tried to answer that question and explore Carrie’s life before the city. The only problem was the show didn’t last long enough for the four famed friends to come together. It ended with Carrie and Samantha moving in together, but we wanted to see Charlotte and Miranda join the mix. We would have like to see the four of them having drinks together.
Once Upon a Time In Wonderland (2013-2014)
Once Upon a Time is a great series and its spin-off could have been just as great. While the first half did drag here and there, the second half the season picked up quickly. It was full of magic and great storylines. The cast of characters were interesting and it was easy to connect with the main heroes. Alice and the Knive had great chemistry together as did the Red Queen and Jafar. Wonderland offered fans a chance to explore new worlds and stories. It easily could have gone on for more season and explored the past of the Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts and Cinderella’s stepsister in greater detail. While the show may have ended, at least the writers promised that these wonder-filled characters would appear in the main series. So, we may see Alice and the rest following the Knive’s lead and entering our beloved town of Storybrooke.
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