Beauty / Products

7 Ways to Create Jewelry You’ll Wear All Year

School’s out! So make the most of your spare leisure time and get creative in some innovative ways. Moms and daughters often share a love of jewelry within their DNA, regardless of each other’s individual tastes. To make enduring summer memories, consider creating, your own mommy jewelry creations.
Beach Comb
Comb the beach to find some unique and colorful shells to use for earrings, necklaces and hairclips. Modify the surface of the shells with glitter to customize pieces for wearers, or leave your ‘mark’ for potential consumers to notice.
Make it a regular weekly or daily habit to collect shells and spend a bit of quality mom & daughter time talking together whilst you are searching for something unique to use. Alternatively, visit nearby forests, city streets, even garbage lots to find unique localized items for hand-stamped jewelry inspirations.
Sea Creatures
Create three-piece sets, a necklace, bracelet, and two earrings, inspired by sea creatures. You can satisfy a range of preferences by making art for those who love ‘huggable’ creatures such as dolphins or fearful sea dwellers like sharks.
You could also be creative and resourceful by using pliable pieces of metal to bend shapes to make them look like creatures and elements of the sea.
Local Shapers
Become a local fashion maker and develop a bit of a reputation as a shaper of geographic-inspired artworks. Create necklaces, pendants, and bracelets featuring the outline of your city, town, or state. People appreciate local artists – especially artists who use their local area for inspiration.
Sports Inspired
If you’re savvy and know a fair bit about local, national and international sport teams, look to create some jewelry that is designed and shaped to touch the hearts of passionate fans. Use team emblems and mascots and create figurines of players to use on hairpieces, pendants, and as charms for bracelets.
Be careful as not to violate copyright laws; it’s okay to copy professional logos for personal use (to celebrate during a stadium visit) but not for commercial gain.
Like-Minded Artists
Network with like-minded people who share the same passion for unique jewelry. Do some social networking on platforms like Facebook and Twitter in order to get as many ideas as possible about what is trending right now. You can also take a look through pictures and gain some inspiration from the  visual-based site, Pinterest.
Take note of reviews and testimonials of existing designers and related products.  Consider what people like and dislike as well as what’s missing in the market.
Invent Your Own Celebration Day
Be inventive and create your own celebration day or take note of some obscure and interesting days observed for strange reasons.  Use your creativity to pay tribute to bacon (National Bacon Day), dice (National Casino Day), cartoons (Felix the Cat Day), etc.  Your creativity is only limited by your own imagination when it comes to using a niche celebration or cultural event to conjure up some appropriate wearable art that reflects this.
Of course we already have our own celebration day to look forward to each year. Commemorate the birthday of a special person in your life by giving them something truly unique, like jewelry with handwriting, which makes for a special birthday gift with a personal touch.
Create a Website
UseWordPress to create a free or potentially pay-based website to ‘join the online conversation.’  Post pictures of your latest jewelry pieces and blog about the inspiration and intention behind your latest creation.  There is a whole world of bloggers and fashionistas who read articles and engage on social media, so it makes sense to tap into this rich source of potential followers.
Don’t be shy about your passion and interest in jewelry.  Pass the time in true style, creating a mother-daughter enterprise, with your own website, content calendar, and PayPal account. Hopefully you might be able to use these suggestions to converse with friends, and visit online forums for inspiration and ideas. Get out there and have some fun!
Beth Philbin has a knack for modern style. As a working mom of three, she greatly enjoys sharing her jewelry fashion ideas for today’s moms.

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