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Artist and Producer Uffie is Back with New Music

Artist and Producer Uffie is Back with New Music

After achieving success with her hit “Pop the Clock” back in 2011, Uffie ended up taking a hiatus and just recently coming back into the music scene. With a loyal fanbase, Uffie is excited to get back to performing music and experimenting with different sounds. Her new EP, Tokyo Love Hotel, is out now and available to stream on SpotifyApple Music & Soundcloud. Uffie answered some questions for Cliché about her come back.


Cliché: Hi Uffie! Can you talk a little about why you took a break and why you’ve decided to return?

Uffie: With a toddler and another one the way, it was important to me that they got all of me.  I’d just lost my mother and it was a period of serious growth and change, one that I am incredible thankful for. I missed music, and started working with some really amazing people who made me fall in love with it on a whole other level. It all came together very organically and I knew it was the right time.


Can you tell me about the inspiration behind your new EP, ‘Tokyo Love Hotel’?

There is a lot of exploring love and loss, and different views of feelings… but it’s got some humor.


Would you say you’ve noticed any changes in the music industry since you stopped releasing music as Uffie back in 2011? Was it an easy transition coming back or are you still getting used to this all again?

It has changed a lot, and I think will continue to do so. But it feels like an exciting time for the actual music, people feel less “pigeon hole-y”, and really interesting sounds can [be] huge now. With streaming and social media platforms it’s a really interesting time to be an independent artist as well. I feel like people can be as real, honest, and visible as they choose to be or not be. You lose the middle man with how direct you can be with your audience through social media.


Coming back from a hiatus seems to be a good chance to reinvent yourself or your sound if you ever wanted to. Did you feel like that’s what you wanted to do and try something new or do you want to keep that same sound that your fans loved years ago?  

I for sure had my rebellious moment of wanting to make a record no one would ever expect from me, haha. And it’s really important to take the time to try a ton of different things… I think my sound will always continue to evolve and change…that is what we do as people!


You were listened to all over the world, and now word’s going to get around quick that you’re back. Is there a world tour in the works?

I’m very excited to play and connect with fans – that’s what it’s about at the end of the day. I’m kicking off shows this year, March 1st in San Francisco during Noise Pop fest.


It’s clear from the Internet that your fans are super excited to have you back. What are you most looking forward to with coming back? Did you miss performing live as Uffie?

I’m really happy to be sharing music again, and am so touched by how down my OG fans are. Can’t wait to play all this new music live!


What can listeners expect from you in the near future?  

Exciting things….


Read more Music Articles at Cliché Magazine. 

Artist and Producer Uffie is Back with New Music: Featured Image Credit: Ashely Osborne 

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