Interviews / Music

Andy Grammer Talks ‘Fresh Eyes’ and Pending Album

Sad to say, but it’s rare to find positive messages in songs today. With all the turmoils and negativity around the world, we need something to uplift us now more than ever. Alas, we have Andy Grammer! The singer, who is well known for tracks such as “Honey, I’m Good” and “Keep Your Head Up” is out with a new track “Fresh Eyes,” available now on iTunes and Spotify for your listening pleasure. Although Andy Grammer has come a long, long way from busking on the streets in Santa Monica, he’s still the same humble and positive person since day one. Here, we chat with him about his current tour, his upcoming album, and what his younger self would say to his idols today.

Cliché: What made you decide that this would to be your first single after your small break?
Andy Grammer: Something about this one was different than anything I’d put out before. It’s on electric guitar and feels like I’m whispering into the mic the whole time, but it still has energy. It’s fun to be able to take risks as you go along and put out songs that have different feels.
You seem to have such a positive outlook on life and great high energy. How do you maintain this attitude?
I think I got it from my parents. From a young age, I was taught that tests in life are gifts to make you stronger. I am definitely a serial optimist.
How has your tour been treating you so far? Anything new you’re bringing to the stage this time around?
Touring is SO GOOD FOR MY SOUL. Crowds from Portland to Maine to Alaska to Florida dancing their asses off and singing at the top of their lungs with me is everything. Humans have a deep need to get together and sing. If you haven’t done it in a while, go do it and something deep in you will be like, “Oh yeah, this is important.”
How has it been putting this new album together? How are you going about deciding which songs make the final cut and which songs will have to be cut?
Writing and touring has been pretty amazing and intense. There are many long, creative days where I pretty much pass out in my bunk on the bus as we ride to the next city. Previously, I’ve either been in touring mode or writing mode, so to mash them together and feel it work is really exciting. We have so many awesome songs, so cutting them comes down to which ones make the hair on your arms stand up. If you write 10, you think they are all good. If you write 50, then you realize only five are REALLY good. If you write 100, you just might be blessed with two or three unicorns that make people feel something they haven’t felt in a while.

From a young age, I was taught that tests in life are gifts to make you stronger.

How will this album differ from your two previous albums?
I think since I tend to write autobiographically, my albums will always be different content-wise. I’m a different guy than album two, going through different joys and failures. Also, starting the writing on electric guitar has lead me down some paths I haven’t been on before. Hopefully, like any relationship, you let more and more of your guard down and it gets richer.
Looking back at all your great accomplishments so far, do you think there’s anything you’d do differently if given the chance?
I play a little bit of piano now, but I think I would have liked to have spent more time as a child playing piano. I’ve been in love with Billy Joel a lot writing this third album and I think I’m going to hop into some piano lessons.
You stay really involved on social media as a way to connect with your fans. With so many platforms popping up now more than ever, do you find it a positive or a negative thing having to update all your accounts with what you’re doing?
I think it’s about intention. I use it when I’m inspired. Posting something arbitrary because I haven’t posted today feels like a chore, but sharing a pic of my French Bulldogs because everyone needs to see that they look AMAZING in their Halloween costumes? That’s just pure joy.
Speaking of social media, fans use this a lot to reach out to their favorite celebrities or icons. If you had access to this type of communication when you were younger, who would your younger self try to reach out to and what would you say?
John Mayer: Hey, John, thanks for teaching me how to play guitar through learning your songs. You are a badass and a legend.
Lauryn Hill: Hey, Lauryn, you rap and sing better than anyone I’ve ever heard. You took a high school jock and converted him to a music lover. Thank you.
Coldplay: Hey, Coldplay…take me with you. Wherever you are going…I can tune guitars. Let me come.
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Andy Grammer Talks ‘Fresh Eyes’ and Pending Album: Photographed by Brian Higbee

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