Lifestyle / Relationships

Walking Away From an Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Walking Away From an Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Attraction can be a potent drug that persuades us to accept bad behavior as long as we get to keep seeing the person we love. That’s why you date those who promise the moon but take days to call back or the ones who seem so incredible but never have the time to see your friends or family.

No matter how attractive and seductive these people may seem, trying to have a meaningful relationship with an emotionally unavailable partner can be draining and very painful. It doesn’t matter how much you’re willing to give; if the other person is unwilling or unable to give love back, a satisfying long-term relationship will be hard to achieve.

So when is walking away from an emotionally unavailable partner the best thing to do? In the article below, we list a few reasons why this might be the best decision you can make even though it may sting a bit.

They Make You Doubt Your Sanity

Chances are that an emotionally unavailable partner will play with your feelings until you reach a point where you can’t even tell what’s real from what’s not. You might think that it’s not a big deal that they cannot give you what you want. One minute they’ll be open, forthcoming, and affectionate, and then the next, you’ll feel as if there’s a huge wall between the two of you.

When walking away from this type of relationship, always give yourself time to heal before getting back to dating. Before going out or searching for personals to find someone new, prioritize your well-being and heal properly.

Everything’s On Their Terms

Emotionally Unavailable PartnerAnother classic reason why you should walk away from an emotionally unavailable partner is that it’s more than likely that the relationship is always on their terms. If you try to talk about feelings or simply need their support, they might act stressed and pressured. However, when they want something, whether it’s support or affection, then they suddenly become very charming.

This charm can be flattering and hard to resist but when it’s turned off again, it can feel tempting to blame yourself for not giving enough or being good enough. If the person insists on being the one who decides everything, chances are they are not ready for emotional equality.

They May Drag You Along

One of the worst things about dating an emotionally unavailable person is that they will drag you along with no intention of becoming available. They may know perfectly well that they’re not interested in taking things to the next level and building a deeper emotional connection.

If you fail to pay attention, you risk wasting precious time in a relationship that has no future. For this reason, cutting off a non-committal partner after you don’t see any signs of effort is crucial. Be crystal clear about what you want in life, and the type of partner you’re looking for and you have to communicate this so that they’ll know not to drag you along.

You’re Missing Out on Great Opportunities

Emotionally Unavailable PartnerYou should always keep in mind that there is plenty of other fish in the sea and by holding on to the wrong person, you’ll block the right one from coming into your life.

There are many personals out there who are emotionally mature and want to find the love of their life and connect on a deeper level. Therefore, you shouldn’t settle for someone and something less than you deserve. Always remember there are endless possibilities and people out there that will stimulate your mind, spirit, and body.

You Can’t Change Them

Another reason why it’s smart to walk away from an emotionally unavailable partner after you have given it your all to make it work is that you simply cannot change them. You should never have to jeopardize or risk your mental health trying to do this.

Only when they realize that they are hurting you, pushing you away, and destroying the relationship, can they see the need to change. This is a decision they need to make and unfortunately, it cannot be enforced by you.

Your only responsibility is to know when it’s time to walk away. Even if you may not feel ready, you should act upon this feeling and realize that you’re following a hurtful pattern and that this relationship is not serving you any longer.

Final Thoughts

If you’re in a relationship and feel as though you’re begging your partner to open up and become truly invested, then perhaps it’s a sign that you’re dealing with an emotionally unavailable individual that you should walk away from. Read above and ask yourself whether you want to feel stuck wasting your time with someone absent, uncommitted, and avoidant.

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