Lifestyle / Parties

Ways to Make Your Best Friend’s Birthday Special

Ways to Make Your Best Friend’s Birthday Special

Late night phone calls, pulling each other’s feet but always having each other’s back, being partners in crime, having dumb conversations that escalate into deep talks and someone you can always count on no matter what. Finding a best friend is truly a blessing. They make life simpler and make the world a better place to live in. They offer a shoulder when you want to cry, laugh like seals with you, give a patient ear to all your talks and are your safe space.

Best friends play a very important role in our lives. With your best friend’s birthday round the corner, here’s your opportunity to express gratitude to them and show them just how much they mean to you.   

Here are a few ways to make your best friend’s birthday special! 

1] Midnight cake and gift delivery

Wouldn’t you be overwhelmed with joy if someone left you a birthday cake at your doorstep at 12 midnight? Starting your best friend’s birthday celebration right when the clock strikes 12 is something that will make them very happy. Send them a midnight cake of the flavour they prefer and absolutely love. You can pair this with a heartfelt getting card, a bouquet of flowers, a gift and so on. Let the celebration begin right from 12! 

2] Throw them a surprise party

Although throwing your best friend a surprise party is an old tactic, it is a classic. Preplan the event with your close mutual friends, invite your best friend’s close relatives and throw them a surprise birthday party. They will certainly be thrilled with the effort you took! You can decide on a theme and decorate the venue accordingly. Ask the invitees to dress up according to the theme. For instance, if your friend is a Harry Potter fan, ask the invitees to dress up as Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Snape, Voldemort and other characters. Set up the place with theme-related decor, and get some Butterbeer! Make sure the menu is in accordance with the celebrant’s preferences. Lastly; do not miss out on a dance floor!

3] Take them for a drive or road trip 

A road trip with our best friend is a dream for so many of us. Show up at the doorstep of your best friend with a car and tell them to pack their bags for the road trip they always wanted to have! They will undoubtedly scream with joy. Choose a destination they have always wanted to go to. Plan the entire itinerary beforehand and make the necessary arrangements for the celebration. You can also be spontaneous and make plans as you ride on! Drive through the country roads with your best friend as you play rock music! You can also involve other close friends in the plan since the more the merrier! This will forever be etched in your friend’s memory! 

4] Birthday video mash-up

With the pandemic restricting everyone to their homes; video gifts are something that has been gaining prominence. They are certainly heart-warming gifts and can be preserved for a lifetime. Connect with the near and dear ones of your best friend and collate a video mash-up! Make use of video-making tools to add professionality and aesthetics to the video! Ask everyone to film themselves wishing your best friend, talking of good, fun memories and appreciating the qualities that they value in your best friend! Include pictures of your best friend from childhood to date. This will send your best friend on a ride down memory lane and fill them with joy. Check here to learn how you can create a birthday video compilation into one surprise video gift.

5] Small gathering  

If your best friend is not inclined toward grand celebrations and is not a party person, make sure you avoid the party at all costs. If they’re into spending time with a limited few on their special day, you can plan a small gathering wherein you and your best friend with a few other close ones go for a movie, have a chill night out, have a board game night, go out for a picnic and so on. Remember the food, people invited and the atmosphere, such as a Cincinnati 5 star restaurant are key components of a small gathering so choose wisely. 

6] Post them a letter 

The value of a letter just can’t be emphasized. Write your best friend a letter for their birthday and pour your heart out into it. Appreciate how your best friend has been there for you through thick and thin, reminisce on the great memories you’ve had and let them know how their friendship means the world to you. 

You can utilize the above-mentioned ideas when throwing a birthday bash for your friend or you can think out of the box and come up with your own stunning ideas! Remember you know your best friend the best so make sure you plan the day suiting your best friend’s likes and preferences. You can always ask them how they’d like to celebrate but ensure you keep an element of surprise. Your best friend makes your life special every single day; making their birthday special is your responsibility!

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