It’s one of those seldom admitted truths of adulthood; one never stops loving superheroes, but in boardrooms and other places of ‘adulthood,’ it’s best to mask one’s penchant for Batman, Superman, and the bunch.
However, there’s a time and place to be open and in costume about one’s eternal love for the purveyors of good, truth, and justice. Consider the following must-haves unmasked at your next adult superhero party.
Mask Invites
Of course, you can go to the card store and select a bundle of ordinary invitations. But, you’re not having an ordinary party. An adult superhero party necessitates special messages drawn on mask invites. Draw and make multiple copies of your own or find templates of superhero masks online. Those chosen to attend your party will be delighted to see you’re taking this adult superhero party thing seriously.
Creative Libations
You could serve the traditional juice and punch, but wouldn’t it be more fun and apropos to serve Joker Juice? Adopt the Joker’s preference for purple; find a blueberry-flavored drink and neon green serving glasses; and then concoct the creative libation. Do you want to serve a drink fit for the Green Lantern? Buy glowing green ice cubes and make ordinary bottled water look like magical elixir.
Super Cakes
Ordinary birthday parties feature one cake, but super parties provide an assortment of cakes for those with oversized appetites and a love for sweets. Speak to local bakeries about supplying cupcakes, multi-tier cakes, and other sweets made to resemble favorite superheroes. Those with a sweet tooth and knowledge of baking can purchase cake pans fit with the likeness of Spiderman, the Batman emblem, etc.
Reserved Capes
Of course, there may be a few invites who are shy or reserved about dressing as a superhero to your party. That means you’ll need to have a number of costumes reserved in the ‘Vault of Justice,’ aka your closet, to serve those who are ‘forgetful’ in bringing along their alter egos. Find a number of super costumes at
Surprise Visits
Superheroes have a knack for knowing when to show up at the right moments. Surprise your friends with a visit from Superheroes. Local theatres and party suppliers hire actors to pose as super friends. It adds another element of fantasy to the existing party already celebrating fictional characters, places, and special powers.
Post-Party Intelligence
Most superhero tales end with a summary, reviewing the good done within a given episode. Use free online software to create a mock newspaper, filled with news stories and pictures from the party. Of course, you’ll have to get ‘back in character,’ reliving the heroic partying efforts put forth by attendants and reviewing the good deeds done.
If you want attendants to respond with a “Holy Bash, Batman!” you have to go the extra mile regarding super invitations, food, drinks, games, and guest appearances by the most notable of superheroes. Super parties call for super preparation, so be sure to address the above elements to make your next party extraordinary.
Rachel Lemelin is a self-admitted comic superhero nerd and avid writer. Whenever she comes across a fun idea to spread her superhero cape, she shares it by posting online. Look for her entertaining articles on a number of today’s best websites and blogs.
Read more articles about awesome parties at
Images provided by Flickrr Creative Commons

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