Business / Lifestyle

Looking Professional While Working from Home

Looking Professional While Working from Home

Today we want to talk to you about looking professional while working from home. 2020 brought many changes that few of us really anticipated. At the start of the year, many of us had planned out the twelve months ahead as we usually would, completely unaware that by March, the whole world would be gripped in a global pandemic.

Many of us have had to radically alter our day to day lives in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus and keep both ourselves and others safe A major change that many of us are still settling into? Working from home. Now, working from home can have its benefits. Not only does it keep ourselves and others safe, but it cuts out the expensive and draining commute, means we can work comfortably in our own spaces and we have more resources and time available to make delicious and healthy lunches on our break. But one thing some of us have found ourselves struggling with is maintaining a professional presence. Here’s some advice that can help you with this!

Looking Professional While Working from Home

Photo by Ogo on Pexels

Avoid Going Full Casual

Sure, you might not want to wear full, formal office wear when working from home. But you should avoid going all out casual too. Signing into a video meeting wearing a tracksuit probably isn’t going to give the most professional presentation of yourself to those you work with. Instead, go smart casual. Something that is comfortable, but that doesn’t look all too sloppy. If you have an important meeting, you should still make the effort with a suit or nice dress like you usually would. You may even want to accessorise in ways people can see from the video call – you could Shop Patek Philippe watches. This will give you better chances of career progression, as you are clearly taking your job seriously.

Stay Groomed

You should also make an effort to stay groomed. This means avoiding rolling out of bed straight onto your laptop and still making the effort that you would if you were going straight into a real office. Shower. Do your hair. You may even want to do your makeup if that’s what you’d usually do. Treat your job just as seriously while working from home.

Looking Professional While Working from Home

Photo by Ola Dapo on Pexels

Create a Dedicated Workspace

Creating a dedicated workspace is important for your comfort and productivity anyway, as well as helping you to create a more healthy work life / home life divide. But it also helps to make you look more professional when you sign into video meetings. Working from the sofa or bed doesn’t give across the air of professionalism and productivity that calling in from a desk will. So, if possible, try to create a dedicated workspace where you can comfortably sit and concentrate on your work.

Sure, remaining professional while working from a place you associate with comfort and relaxation can be difficult. But it is possible and is something that we should definitely get used to! Hopefully, some of the above information and direction will give you guidance and really help you to secure that professional image!


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