
How to Give a Loved One Hope Again

How to Give a Loved One Hope Again

Inspiring someone to feel hope again is a powerful thing. With hope, we can change the world for the better and feel motivated to start to look forward to a better tomorrow. But how exactly can you give another person the gift of hope? Here are ways to spread hopefulness to someone who needs it.

Help Them See They are Deserving of Good Things

You may find that when you try to uplift someone who feels low, they do not want to listen to you. It is not that you are not making sense but instead that they do not feel worthy of good things in the future. In other words, they do not feel deserving of your love, attention, and good things.  

Changing a person’s outlook is not easy, but giving them positive feedback on their accomplishments, skills, and abilities can help. It may instil self-confidence, leading them to feel more hopeful for what they can achieve in the future. You may have just motivated them.

Also, consider telling them that you believe in them. That can involve pointing out strengths you see in them. Be positive in your tone and words as part of improving how they look at themselves. If they have been mistreated, which is why they do not think highly of themselves, a gentle reminder that you do think a lot of them can be impactful. Remind them not to settle for less than they are worth.

Be Accepting of Them

No one is perfect, as the saying goes, and reminding your loved one of this is important. They may have given up on themselves and the world after a difficult circumstance. Helping them feel optimistic about the future again can involve reminding them that you accept them as they are and that you do not judge them based on mistakes.

Perhaps you share with them a bit about your own errors to help them feel less alone. Building a sense of connection with this person as you do so can help them feel cared for and accepted. This positive approach may be enough to inspire them to begin looking forward to the future.

By the way, accepting someone doesn’t mean that you agree with them. Instead, it means that you respect them, show compassion, and have a genuine interest in what they are going through in life. 

Take Them Somewhere Fun

To make coping during a difficult time a bit easier for your close friend or family member, consider taking them somewhere fun as a distraction. Taking their mind momentarily off whatever is causing them to feel hopeless can be a welcome relief. It may also help them feel a little stronger when they return home and remind them of the positive moments in life.

Going to see an NBA game in New York is an exciting event they can look forward to, starting from the moment you two plan the trip. This is the start of getting them thinking about the future in a more positive way. Going to the latest New York basketball games is exciting, especially if your loved one is a huge sports fan. Whether you get tickets for a New York Knicks Game or one featuring the Brooklyn Nets is up to you two to decide. 

Watching the famous players run across the court and seeing the swish of the basketball net when there’s a slam dunk may make your loved one smile, something they haven’t done in a while. Being a part of the energy of the crowd at a live game could help them see the fun in life again.

Give a Loved One Hope Again

Validate How They Feel

Listening to someone and showing them that their emotions are valid is another way to cheer them up. Along with listening actively to them, also acknowledge the way that they feel. For example, “I hear what you are saying” and “That must be difficult for you.” By validating how they feel, they are more likely to feel supported by you, which is important if they are feeling alone.

By validating a person’s feelings, you show them that you are there for them during difficult times. It’s important not to try to solve their problems, though. Instead, support them as a way to help them see that they have you to depend on, which may help them feel more hopeful about the future.  

Helping someone feel more understood is powerful. It can bring the two of you closer together and shows the healing power of relationships

Lead by Example

Have you ever heard of hope-based leadership? It refers to giving hope to others through your own actions. Let’s say that you are leading an organization, and someone close to you who belongs to this organization seems to have given up on life in general. It may inspire hope in those who see you in the leadership role as you set a goal and take the steps to achieve it.

By leading a hopeful project, you have a vision of what you want to achieve and share it with others. That is inspiring, and it may just be what helps your loved one feel better about the future and their part in it. Together, you can create a more meaningful world. The positive communication you have as a leader can make a difference in another person’s life.

Concluding Words on Giving Someone Hope Again

Encouraging another person is possible with one or more of the suggestions above. Your efforts are not for nothing, as you can empower another person. A loved one has given up hope, and that is sad to see, yet you are taking action to actively help them. You are a source of encouragement and can give hope to someone who has lost it during a tough time in life. 

Continue to try to help them and show them the possibilities of life. Encourage them to be in the present moment and to make the most of today while looking forward to tomorrow. With hope, so much is possible.

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I'm an interactive digital experience bringing you the latest in fashion, music, entertainment, art and social media & technology. I was created in 2009 in the hopes of making your life more fun by giving you a media consumption experience unparalleled to any other.