Today we want to share often overlooked aspects of staying healthy. In today’s climate of fad diets and gym bros, the basics of overall health can get lost in the fog. You can be forgetting vital aspects of looking after yourself that could have long-lasting effects. To be sure you’re doing at least the basics, read on to check if you’re covering these often forgotten aspects of health.

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onAn extremely vital aspect of your diet is water, and it’s often dismissed while we’re quenching our thirst with coffee and sodas. Doctors recommend as much as two liters a day for a reason. Water contributes to almost every aspect of bodily function, from the brain to the heart, to the gut and the muscles. It helps remove waste, protects your spinal cord, aids in digestion and brain function, and keeps your cardiovascular system healthy.
You can make your water intake a fun experience with squash, or slices of fruits in your bottle. Experiment with flavors like lemon, cucumber, mint, berries, citrus and watermelon. Or you can invest in some squash pods at your supermarket. Or freeze some berries in ice cubes. Do what you need to do to reach for the water rather than the Coca Cola.
There are also foods that will contribute to dehydration. Diets high in protein such as the Dukan diet and paleo diet are high in nitrogen which will be flushed out with extra fluids. The Keto diet and the Atkins diet also contribute to dehydration by cutting out or lowering carbs, this causes the body to release water by going into its glycogen storage.
Check ups

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash
Several components of remaining healthy are sometimes disregarded. Diet fads and gyms have created an atmosphere where the fundamentals of good health may be forgotten in the haze. As a result, you may be overlooking essential areas of your care that might have long-term consequences. Consider health checks as one of the frequently overlooked components of health to ensure that you are performing at least the bare minimum.
Check-ups are essential regardless of your age or medical history, so make an appointment now. In addition to catching any underlying health concerns, it will also find a potentially ignored piece of the puzzle that might lead to a correct diagnosis. Whether this is a concern for you, if you have had a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis, seek Senior Care Services for a team that can help take care of you and your loved ones as necessary.
Moreover, health issues like hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular infections, cancer, and dementia may strike without warning, so it’s essential to address them as soon as you see any symptoms. Such conditions could stay in the body for a while before showing symptoms. Therefore, a health checkup is critical to help diagnose such infections early for appropriate medical attention before worsening.
No matter your age or medical history, a regular check-up is vital. It will pick up on any underlying health conditions early and also uncover a likely overlooked key to an accurate diagnosis.
If this is a worry for you, if you have received a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis, visit for a solicitor that can offer expert legal advice and aid in filing a medical negligence claim.
Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and dementia all tend to rear their ugly faces when you least expect it and should be dealt with as soon as possible.
Look after your mind
Unfortunately, mental health doesn’t often get the attention it deserves. Luckily, basic mental health can be quite simple. A change of scenery or talking to someone can elevate your mood and keep you stable.
Some authorities suggest volunteering as a way to gain perspective and having something to care about, others suggest doing something you’re good at, like arts, or keeping a journal.
There are other things you can do, like keeping active, getting a pet, taking a break from a stressful situation, but if you need it, the most helpful mental health tip is to ask for help. Most of these are small solutions to small levels of problems, but if none of them are helping, there are plenty of resources available if you feel like you need them.
Read more lifestyle and healthy living articles at Cliché
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