CBD / Lifestyle

Cannabis Beauty: CBD Is An Exciting Area For Innovation

Cannabis Beauty: CBD Is An Exciting Area For Innovation

The rise of cannabis for various uses is growing all over the world. People nowadays are getting drawn toward the use of cannabis in almost everything. CBD in skin products, hair care products, cosmetics, and other beauty and wellness spaces.

If the CBD’s popularity continues to rise at this rate, more established brands will launch their own version of CBD-centered beauty products. In the meantime, transparency and education are key.

Consumers are entitled to comprehensive explanations of how CBD works on their skin, hair, and other parts of the body. An in-depth understanding of the potential benefits, drawbacks, and differences of CBD from other cannabis extracts is imperative. In this guide, we will walk you through all you need to know about the connection between CBD and the beauty industry. Whether or not this innovation is suitable for you.

CBD for the Beauty Industry

Cannabis is incredibly versatile as it can be used for various purposes. Now that specialists can isolate different compounds in cannabis and extract the beneficial and safe ones like CBD, this is gaining more buzz in the market.

CBD is just one of the many cannabinoids that can be found in a cannabis plant. Due to its various beneficial and high-value properties, it has now become the new ingredient used for skin and beauty products. The beauty industry is on fire in keeping up with the market trend. With this new discovery, CBD is now one of the most in-demand components sought after by most skincare and cosmetic sectors today.

How does CBD work for the Skin?

New findings and clinical research have cut the stigma about CBD having neuropathic effects. The CBD compound that is being used in skincare and beauty products is different from THC which provides neuropathic effects.

CBD interacts with cells in our body in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS plays a crucial part in balancing our body’s rhythm. Applying CBD topically controls the balance of skin function. In most common situations, inflamed or dry skin benefits the most from applying CBD directly to the skin.

CBD in skincare works to regulate sebum production. As known by many, CBD has a calming effect and high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This is beneficial in boosting immunity that flushes out bacteria and harmful toxins that may cause ane, skin irritation, and other skin-related issues.

It works best for those who have a sensitive type of skin as it also repairs skin cellular structure. CBD also plays an essential role in reversing the signs of aging by boosting collagen production and aiding the sebaceous glands that secrete oil.

Why CBD is effective for the Skin?

As science and technology continue to progress, so does new findings that support the effectiveness of CBD. For skincare, it helps fight the signs of aging including fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

What makes CBD effective lies in its high-value properties and its purported function that promotes healthy skin. To name a few, here are some more reasons why CBD works effectively on our skin:

  • Antioxidant Properties

CBD contains high levels of antioxidants that prevent and correct early signs of aging including wrinkles, loose skin, acne breakouts, and blotchy skin tone.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties

Skin inflammation is one of the known causes of damage to cellular structure. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties help calm down skin inflammation, irritation, redness, or swelling. It also helps heal acne, and blemishes, and restore skin balance.

  • Boost Skin Regeneration

As we grow older, our skin cells take longer to regenerate. When skin gets damaged by harmful UV rays, too much sun exposure, and other environmental pollutants, skin health gets compromised.

  • Promotes Natural Oil Production

As discussed, CBD influences the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This way CBD can enhance natural oil production in the face. By boosting the production of natural oil in the face, the skin will look glowing, more supple, and healthier.

Benefits of CBD to our Skin

There is a reason why most skincare and beauty businesses today are going crazy with CBD. Adding CBD as an essential ingredient in the formulation of their beauty products offers numerous benefits.

Here are some of its benefits to our skin:

  • It treats acne, eczema, and psoriasis

The anti-inflammatory properties present in CBD help treat skin-related issues such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Various studies show evidence of how CBD contributes to reducing the amount and severity of acne. Another specialized study in 2014 reported that CBD regulates sebum production to control acne.

CBD also shows effects in treating psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune disorder. Scientific studies suggest that CBD slows down the production of immature cells that causes psoriasis.

According to the Handbook of Cannabis and Related Pathologies, CBD proves to be helpful in the relief of eczema symptoms.

  • It relieves skin dryness and itchiness

A 2019 study reported that CBD provides relief to various skin issues including skin dryness and itchiness. It also helps reduce appearances of skin irritation, especially among people with sensitive skin.

  • It eliminates skin infections

Another benefit CBD provides is it helps eliminate fungal infections. It causes oxidation when it come across with fungi cells to prevent it from spreading and growing. CBD also attacks and kills fungi cells by destroying cell membranes and blocking the production of ergosterol, which greatly contributes to the spread of fungi. 

  • It reduces the signs of aging

CBD also fight back the signs of aging bby reducing free radicals that attack the collagen fibers in our skin causing skin loose, wrinkles, and fine lines. It also flushes out harmful toxins that can destroy our skin layers.

Pros and Cons of Using CBD for Skin

Skincare and beauty products infused with CBD offers various benefits to the skin health. Aside from improving various skin conditions, it also helps lower the risks of skin issues that may lead to more serious complications when left ignored.

Here are some pros and cons we found out as we continued our investigations about the effects of CBD on our skin:

  • Pros
    • Allows you to target specific area that needs CBD
    • Easy to use
    • It can be applied as often as needed
    • Can be combined with other beneficial products in one application
    • It supports overall skin health
    • It helps reduce early signs of aging
    • It helps ease skin inflammation and offers immediate relief
    • It is all-natural
    • Suitable even for sensitive skin
    • Backed up with various studies and clinical research
  • Cons
    • Not all CBD-centered skin products are created equally thus some unfavorable skin reactions may come to rise
    • Relying alone on CBD to improve skin condition is not recommendable. Proper diet, regular hygiene, getting enough sleep, staying hydrated are just the basics of improving skin health


As science and technology keeps on advancing, specialists are finding more ways how to utilize CBD. As the beauty industry adapts to this change, new opportunities have come to arise.

Aligning beauty and cosmetic products to this innovation is an exciting progress. Its an indication that we are consistently improving our way of life. However, one must not forget the responsibility of gaining enough knowledge before embarking to this trend. As business entities, you are responsible in educating the public with valuable information and not misleading them for the sake of profits and sales.

As consumers, we are oblige to learn and mindful in what we consume, be it physioligical or psychological. Feeding our mind with valuable knowledge is as essential as feeding our body with right foods it needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about CBD

  • Do CBD skin and beauty products also contains THC?

There are few CBD products that may contain THC levels. However, THC levels on CBD products should not go beyond 0.3% as legalized by the federal law. For skin and beauty products particularly, there is no THC content included.

  • How CBD get incorporated with skin and beauty products?

There are different forms and different ways of extracting CBD from a cannabis plant. This includes full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate. For skin and beauty products, CBD is obtained through isolation. To isolate CBD, it has undergone a process to extract only the CBD molecule, excluding the other compounds like THC, phytocannabinoids, and other compounds. 

After extracting the CBD molecules alone, it will then be combined with carrier oil which is then incorporated to various skin and beauty products including facial creams, lotions, and more.

  • Is it safe to use?

CBD as one of the many compounds found in a cannabis plant always gets this impression of being “dangerous” to ones health. In contrary, CBD is safe to use either internally or externally.

It does not have any psychoactive effects that alter the person’s state of mind. Instead, it offers various health benefits including healthier and more glowing skin. For people with serious health or skin complications, it is always best to consult your professional physician or dermatologist. Asking the expert’s advice is the best option as they fully understand your condition and knows what suits to your situation.

  • Can I make my own CBD products?

    This is certainly possible, you can grow your own from marijuana seeds to a homemade cream or soap. It does require some patience as from seedling to harvest takes 10 to 12 weeks depending on strain and circumstances then isolate the cbd and make your own product so you are looking at a month or 3 from beginning to end product.

Read more CBD articles at ClichéMag.com
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