Home Improvement

Alternative Flooring Options for the Bathroom

Alternative Flooring Options for the Bathroom

When it comes to flooring for the bathroom, most of us would turn our minds to traditional tile. However, flooring has come a long way and it isn’t necessary to limit yourself to one design anymore! Most types of flooring are available in a format that is bathroom-friendly, so if you’re a fan of laminate, real wood or want something a little different in the form of vinyl – then there are options available for you.

Many may not want to use tile in their bathroom as it doesn’t always fit cohesively with the rest of the design in the house. Also, you may want to lay the same flooring in all of your house. Whatever reason you’re considering a different flooring type to tile in your bathroom, we have looked into a few alternative flooring options for the bathroom.  This will ensure you can get the look you want while being confident that the flooring will be a good option for your house.

Real Wood Flooring

The King of flooring, real wood is a signature of luxury and opulence and looks good in every room in the house. But is it suitable in a bathroom? Well, thanks to the wonders of modern technology – it can be!

It’s important to look into the specifications of the product you’re looking for if you want real wood flooring in the bathroom, but quality products do

Alternative Flooring Options for the Bathroom

Photo by Erik Mclean on Pexels

exist. We recommend the Hydro Oak range available at Luxury Flooring. Real Wood flooring is a really exciting option for the bathroom as it hasn’t always been suitable due to moisture damaging the floor.

New technology uses a real wood surface with a waterproof layer of limestone underneath. That means it’s fit to deal with water or high-humidity unlike engineered or solid wood. This is a great look when paired with a standalone bath or other traditional bathroom features. If you’re looking for an opulent look, this is definitely the way to go.


Laminate can be a good choice for the bathroom as it is both durable and easy to clean. Laminate can be a great choice if you’re working with a smaller budget too as it is typically cheaper than the alternatives but still has a great finish.

Since the bathroom is typically an area that sees a lot of use, laminate can be a good option since it’s easy to replace. You can also find DIY friendly options that can also cut costs if you are up to the challenge of laying your own floor. When you choose laminate, you need to make sure that it’s suitable for a bathroom, as not all options will be water resistant. Make sure that you look at all the produce guidelines and get testers of any products before you install them in your bathroom


Luxury vinyl tile is one of the most practical surfaces that you can get for a bathroom as they are fully waterproof. LVTs are also great because you can get them in almost an endless range of designs so you can get one that perfectly matches your bathroom, including more bold and daring flairs.

LVT also comes in muted styles that replicate marble and wood flooring, this is ideal if you’re looking for the style of natural materials but are looking for a more budget friendly option. LVTs are also ideal for really busy households, you don’t need to worry about your dog making a mess when you’re trying to give them their weekly bath with vinyl.

Choosing the Right Floor for You

When you’re renovating your bathroom, changing the flooring is a big job so it’s important you get something that you will be happy with while also considering what is affordable. Flooring can be an overlooked feature of the house but it is one of the biggest in every room and the most used so it should be given due consideration.

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