Food / Holidays

Four Steps to Planning the Perfect Holiday Party

Hosting a holiday party may seem daunting, expensive and like it could raise your blood pressure through the roof, but it doesn’t have to be. The holidays are about spreading love and joy. What better way to do that other than hosting a holiday party where all of your friends and family can enjoy themselves? There are four steps to planning the perfect holiday party. Not only will it be stress-free, but you’ll also have the best party of the year!

Step One:
So you’ve decided that you’re going to host a holiday party, great. Now, who will you invite? Is it going to be your work friends, family, best friends, or all of them? The amount of guests will matter when you need to determine how much food and alcohol to buy. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your guests to bring something. It makes them feel welcome and takes the load off of your wallet.

Step Two:
Once the list is finalized it’s time to determine the food and drink situation. It’s best to stock up on chips, crackers and other snacking foods in case you run out of dinner food and people still want to pig out. Hey it’s the holiday’s, so it’s allowed! As far as dinner goes, pick something easy but delicious, and something that can be made in large quantities. Check Pinterest. They’ll have ideas and recipes for sure. For beverages, be sure to load up on water, mixers and a variety of wine, beer and liquor. Options are key.

Step Three:
If you have enough silverware and plates for your guests you’re all set, but if you need a bunch then head to the closest dollar store. No one will know how little you paid, and dollar stores always have a holiday themed assortment of papered goods. Next is time to clean. You don’t have to go crazy, but don’t leave your dirty laundry around, or have your couch covered in dog hair.

Step Four:
Finally, sit back and relax. It is not your duty to cater to everyone. They can get their own drinks, find the bathroom themselves and throw out their plates. Go mingle with your friends and enjoy yourself!

Read more about the Holidays at

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