Here are 5 risk factors urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections, though more common in women, can happen to anyone at any age. Infections occur when bacteria enter the urethra and multiply before the body can destroy them. Urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and can sometimes become chronic. Prompt treatment is critical for getting rid of the infection and the pain it brings.
What Are the Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections?
UTIs can bring on sudden discomfort when urinating. People may feel a burning sensation or pain during urination. It is common for people with infection to have abdominal and pelvic pain. Severe infections can cause blood in the urine and changes in urine color and smell. Learning how to get rid of a uti safely is critical for preventing the infection from spreading to the kidneys, where it can cause a more dangerous condition. Those noticing these symptoms should see their doctors immediately for a urine test to determine if bacteria are present so the doctor can prescribe the right antibiotic.
Most people will need treatment with antibiotics for at least ten days. It is crucial individuals take all of their medication as prescribed. Do not skip doses or stop taking the medication, even if the symptoms subside. Doing so can lead to antibiotic-resistant strains of bladder infections that become challenging to treat. The doctor will likely perform another urine test after treatment to ensure the infection is gone completely.
What Are the Top Five Risk Factors for UTIs?
Certain risk factors make it more common for people to develop urinary tract infections. Lifestyle changes and taking care of your urinary tract health are essential. The following offers the top five risk factors for UTI.
Sexual Activity
Sexual activity is one of the most common risk factors for developing urinary tract infections, especially in women. It is critical people urinate just before sex and right after to flush any bacteria from the urethra.
Birth Control

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Certain types of birth control put women at a higher risk of getting infections. Diaphragms and spermicides can cause changes to the pH balance of the vagina, leading to bacteria formation that travels into the urethra.
Women going through menopause are more likely to have recurring urinary tract infections. Declines in estrogen cause pronounced changes to the urinary tract, leading to a greater risk of infection development.
Female Anatomy
A female’s anatomy also makes her more at risk of getting UTIs. Females have a shorter urethra than men, so the path to reach the bladder is much shorter. Infections are more likely to occur in females due to the shorter urethra because the bacteria can travel to the bladder quickly.
Urinary Blockages
Men are more likely to get a urinary tract infection if they have a urinary blockage, such as kidney stones. Enlarged prostates can also lead to infections because of the blocked urine in the bladder.
See a Doctor for Urinary Tract Infections
While most people will experience the symptoms above, others may have no symptoms at all, especially in the beginning stages of the infection. If you notice any signs of infection, such as changes in urination, color, or pain, call the doctor and schedule an appointment.
You cannot ignore urinary tract infections because they can spread to the kidneys and cause life-threatening conditions. Make lifestyle changes to avoid the risk factors above and keep difficult-to-treat urinary tract infections at bay.
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