Fashion / Holidays

Most Popular Fancy Dress Costumes for 2014

We have been spoiled over the past year with amazing films and pop culture to take inspiration from for this year’s Halloween costume or you could go classic and opt for something simple, well known and spooky.
Scary Halloween Costumes by Morphcostumes are a great place to start if you’re looking for something ready-made and easy to wear but with the promise of winning the fancy dress competition – because we all know it’s not a fancy dress party without a prize for the best costume.
Super Costumes
Marvel has outdone itself this year when it comes to amazing films and characters for you to dress up as (sorry it’s not as simple as the Wonder Woman, spinning magical outfit change). Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy and the latest X-Men movie all feature some great costumes you can adapt for a fancy dress party.
Cool Costumes
Frozen was of course this year’s major Disney film and there has already been a steady stream of cosplayers replicating Anna and Elsa’s beautiful outfits from the film (and don’t try and deny it, we’ve all tried to do the giant Elsa side braid). You could be a little more original though and dress up as Olaf, or Sven the reindeer.
Marvelous Minions
Despicable Me 2 might have come out at the end of 2013, but that just means we missed out on the opportunity to paint ourselves yellow, don some goggles and dungarees and talk gibberish for an evening, until this Halloween rolls around.
Crazy Pop Culture
You can either be one half of the pair who dresses up as Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke at the VMAs last year or insist one of your couple friends does so.  Simple but effective costumes, that you could probably wear again if you’re into black and white, stripy suits. Well, who isn’t?
Creative Classic
Vampires, ghosts, zombies – sometimes simple really is more effective. Opt for an easily recognizable costume with minimal effort, you could even add a comedy element by sticking rhinestones to your face to represent a vampire from Twilight, or mix up costumes to create a vampire ghost or zombie werewolf or ghost vampire zombie. The possibilities are endless.
Terrific Technology
Technology really is having its day, you can now find a costume which features a moving image. Most of these work by cleverly using an app on your iPhone and a hole in the costume to display a moving image. There are some really creative, and rather gruesome designs available out there.
From classic to current, no matter what you’re going for this year there really is something out there for everyone, along with plenty of inspiration.

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