
It’s You, Not Me Episode 5

Table of Contents

Rick Shapiro plays Rick in It’s You, Not Me
Photo ©Cynthia Smalley Photography

Cliché: Tell us about your character in a couple sentences.
Rick Shapiro: I go on a date with the lead. I play myself. I am a stand-up comedian.

Have you ever played this role in your own personal dating life?
Every day, even while married.

What do you like/dislike about your character?
I hate me.

Tell us your most memorable experience while shooting this series.
SPARKLES!!! Really though, working with great friend: Kim Hamilton, Joey Russo, Renee and others.

How did you come to be a part of this project?

How collaborative or how much freedom did you have to “play” or improvise on set?
Complete freedom.

What was the funnest part of shooting this episode?

How has your character grown or evolved from the previous episode, if they did?
I got married, did a few movies, commercials, and got diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

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