
It’s You, Not Me Episode 10

©Dana Patrick

Joanne Ryan plays Suzie in It’s You, Not Me

Cliché: Tell us about your character in a couple sentences.
Joanne Ryan: Suzie is all about getting her women into bed right away! She is a highly sexual being. Let’s just say she’s a little broken from past relationships but man oh man does she like to have a good time!

Have you ever played this role in your own personal dating life?
I’m definitely gonna have to say no to that!
What do you like/dislike about your character?
I love that she’s not afraid to speak her mind.
Tell us your most memorable experience while shooting this series.
It was a blast getting to work with all these talented people I already knew from class. There was already that bond. It was really nice.
How did you come to be a part of this project?
I was asked by Lauren Patrice Nadler and Renee Kay if I’d be interested in playing the role of Suzie. I of course said yes.
What was it like working with your long time teacher wearing the director hat?
I loved it. Lauren had actually directed me in a play a couple of years earlier so I already knew I could count on her.
How collaborative or how much freedom did you have to “play” or improvise on set?
For my character we pretty much stuck to the script but I definitely got to play with the delivery.
What was the funnest part of shooting this episode?
Getting Renee’s character into bed!

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