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If you Want to Start a New Christmas Tradition, go for Matching Family Pajamas

If you Want to Start a New Christmas Tradition, go for Matching Family Pajamas

The holiday season goes hand in hand with treasured traditions, which are both religious and secular in nature. Christmas is a unique chance to spend extra time with your family and create priceless memories that last a lifetime, so make time for the people you love and cherish. From decorating the tree to watching movies, spending time together is the most precious gift you can share with anyone. Establishing a new tradition gives everyone something to look forward to, and it will become part of your heritage. Wear matching pyjamas if you want to get your loved ones in the holiday spirit. 

With lots of styles to choose from, matching family pajamas are just the thing to kickstart a new Christmas tradition. It’s an activity you’ve never done before, and it will feel special because it’s something you won’t experience any time of the year. This year, lean in comfort and give your family plaid holiday pajamas that will warm their hearts. The tradition is meant to be fun, not stressful, so don’t obsess over the details. At the end of the day, what matters is that you get together and build a stronger bond. Anyone can get in on the fun, including your furry friends. 

How Did the Tradition of Matching Family Sleepwear Start? 

Woman sleeping in bedTo some, it might seem odd, but matching pajamas is charming and LOL-worthy. This holiday tradition gained traction before the age of social media, as early as the 1950s. In the years following World War II, fashion reinforced the importance of the domestic sphere and clothes manufacturers took advantage of this trend whenever possible. Department store catalogs would promote festive setups adorned with checks, stripes, and other holiday motifs for the entire family. Of course, a highly orchestrated photo session would be set up as long as the kids could be convinced to participate. 

Now, e-commerce sites sell matching holiday PJs year-round, so you can easily outfit your family. There are going to be years when your family won’t let you get away with it, at least not without complaining, so take advantage of the time you have. If your children are past the age where they think matching their parents’ jammers is fun, save yourself a headache by buying pajamas they’ll actually love. Also, if matching pajamas aren’t in the cards for your holiday photo, try color-coordinating with your loved ones instead so that you’ll have a reminder of the many memories shared together. 

Instagram Abounds in Photos from Families Wearing Matching Holiday Pajamas

Christmas jammies are too good not to show off on social media. Almost all families post Christmas photos on Instagram, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are hundreds of hashtags dedicated to matching holiday family pajamas. Some of the most popular hashtags include: 

  • #christmaspajamaparty
  • #pajamasallday
  • #pajamaset
  • #fashionableonesies
  • #merrychristmas

Family photos are precious, so many people are taking the time to digitize them, knowing that they won’t be lost forever. If you scroll through your Instagram feed, you’ll see memories shared by your friends and co-workers on the social media platform a couple of years ago. As much as you can, stay focused on the moment so that you can truly experience this special time of the year with your family. 

How To Start a Christmas Tradition This Year with Family Pajamas 

Family traditions vary in how they’re celebrated, but they all create a sense of comfort and security, provide a reason to be together, and create positive family dynamics. If you want to start your own Christmas pajama tradition this year, here’s what you need to do. 

Find Matching Sets 

matching Christmas pajamasFrom festive music to movies to matching PJs, Christmas is the best time of the year. Given that the holiday season is quickly approaching, don’t waste time and make your shopping list for everyone in the family. The revival of family jammers has also increased sales of holiday sleepwear for big retailers, who now offer countless types of pajamas for everyone in the family (including the dog). If you want to be cute and cozy this Christmas, do your shopping ahead of time to save money, gain assurance in getting the PJs you want, and avoid the hassle of last-minute shopping.  

Figure Out How You’ll Celebrate

If you want to play by the rules, it’s customary to wear holiday pajamas on Christmas Eve. The set of pajamas doubles as a fabulous Christmas gift. As mentioned earlier, some merchants offer smaller variations for your four-legged friend. If you’re ready to take things one step further, personalize each outfit with a monogram. Wearing jammies on Christmas Eve builds anticipation for the following morning, not to mention that it makes it easier to be ready for the festivities. You don’t need to play by the rules to have a wonderful holiday. Put on the matching pajamas on Christmas morning and stay in them all day long. It’s the ultimate day of bliss. 

Save The Holiday Pajamas for Next Year 

Last but not least, matching pajamas are the heroes of the holidays, so save yours for the next year. You can upgrade the outdated sets as needed. Wrap them and put the jammies under the tree with the rest of the gifts. The PJs are versatile to wear year-round and sleep-inducing, so you won’t have trouble falling asleep. Your kids will outgrow their pajamas pretty quickly, so make sure to buy multiple sizes of garments. If the rest of the family members feel left out, buy new sleepwear for everyone. Look into options for mom, dad, sister, brother, and pet. 

In conclusion, even if you don’t ‘Gram your holiday pajamas, the tradition is worth adopting. To ease everyone into the new Christmas tradition, look for a subtle option that’s not all snowflakes or reindeer. Traditional plaid PJs are to everyone’s taste. It’s a good idea to buy jammers made from bamboo viscose because they’re antibacterial, hypoallergenic, and moisture-wicking. What is more, they’re comfy enough for a nap. If you want to take a family selfie, go right ahead.

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