Celebrity News / Relationships

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Reportedly Trying to Conceive Royal Baby

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Reportedly Trying to Conceive Royal Baby

According to recent reports, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are trying to conceive their first child.  A “source” close to Markle revealed to US Weekly that the newly minted Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to start a family right away, and that their honeymoon might be the perfect time for the couple to do just that.  Before the two even tied the knot, royal spectators believed a new royal baby would be imminent due to Markle’s age and her shared glances with Harry during the royal wedding whenever children were mentioned. In fact, during an official royal visit to Northern Ireland in March, Prince Harry remarked that him and Markle “might need the whole lot soon” when shown baby products.

If Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are indeed trying for a baby, it will be the fourth grandchild of the late Princess Diana, joining Prince William and Kate Middleton’s three children.  However, the likelihood that their child would ever touch the crown is low.  After the birth of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s third child, Prince Louis, Prince Harry was bumped from fifth to sixth in line to the throne, meaning that any child born to him and Markle will not be in the immediate line of succession.  They will not be styled as “Prince” or “Princess” either.  Rather, they will be known as “Lord” or “Lady.”

Royal baby watchers, be on the lookout!

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