Celebrity News / Entertainment Interview

Dream Girl: Interview with Fiona Gubelmann

Fiona Gubelmann is no stranger to hard work, so it comes as no surprise that her childhood dream of becoming an actress eventually became a reality. Her admirable work ethic comes second only to her undeniable charm. Gubelmann’s sweet personality and bubbly laugh are as contagious as they are refreshing. In an industry that is notorious for its pretentious celebrities, Fiona remains modest and down-to-earth. This is a woman who knows what she’s got, but also knows that it’s just as important to keep dreaming new dreams and working tirelessly to make them come true!
Cliché: Growing up you were involved in plays, ballets, and other forms of theatre. Did you always know that you wanted a career in the performing arts, or was it just a hobby back then?
Fiona Gubelmann: My aunt always tells the story about how she remembers [me] ‘coming out’ when I was 7 years old. We were on a boat and I put my hand on my hip and said, “I want to be an actress when I grow up.” So, according to my family, I always knew. It was something I always loved and dreamed of making a career out of, but when you’re younger that just kind of seems like a dream. But yeah, it was something that I always wanted to be a part of.
You’ve been involved in so many different projects. Do you have a preference when it comes to movies, television or stage work?
I love TV, film, and stage, but all for different reasons. What I love about film work is that you get to do so much character development and growth. It’s actually the same work you get to do in theatre. You have a script and you really get to explore the character and what they go through in their different relationships. You have this kind of overall arc that you get to work on [in film and theatre], whereas television is constantly changing and evolving. I love the pace of television, but there’s so many outside factors that affect your character. What I love about theatre is being able to perform live in front of people. I’ve had some incredible experiences, but the thing about theatre is that you don’t ever get to see it. It’s just something that happened in the moment and then passes. There’s definitely great things and negative things, but I love them all for their very unique reasons.
So you love little bit of everything?
Exactly, I can’t be satisfied just doing one!

The hit series, Wilfred, started out as a low budget project, but man- aged to gather a huge following. In your opinion, what makes the show resonate so much with the fans?
I think what people love so much about the show is that most people have had a pet at some point in their life. I think what’s so fun is that you have a rela- tionship with your pet, and it’s kind of like what would happen if your pet could actually talk to you, communicate with you and have that kind of relation- ship. So I think that there’s part of that that everybody can connect to. We also have a huge following of dog lovers and [they’re] such a great part of the show. You see this big guy acting like a dog, then to hear him vocalize things, and it’s hilarious! Going back to the pilot, I love when he’s like, “I can’t open that gate, you know. I don’t have hands.” And he does have hands! It’s just so funny. There’s so much humor on the show. There’s silly humor and then there’s also really intelligent humor. On top of it there’s an incredible part in the entire process and there’s a journey.
It’s about self-aspirations and growth, and there’s just so much happening on the show
on so many different levels that I think it can attract a lot of different people for various reasons. Some people like very specific things about it, and some people just like everything.
Looking back on season one, it seemed like it was going to be pure comedy. But it’s definitely not. There are a lot of underlying themes and hidden messages.
Oh yeah! It can get really dark… which is fun! I have a really dark sense of humor, so there’s definitely a lot of stuff going on!
It’s obvious that you and your cast mates have excellent on-screen chemistry, but what about off- screen? Do you all get along?
Yes, very much so, which is really nice. It’s really cool that I love the people that I work with. Jason and I are very close, and I think our chemistry really helps the relationship between Jenna and Wilfred. We all just have so much fun. We get along really well and really enjoying seeing each other and working together.
To read the full interview, turn to p. 114 in our Aug/Sept issue on our website or in the iTunes app store!
Photographer: Quavondo, MUA/Hair: Madeline Roosevelt, Stylist: Lauren Wyenn

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