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Brooklynne Webb Reclaims Her Narrative with New Single, “My Crown”

Brooklynne Webb Reclaims Her Narrative with New Single, “My Crown”

When she uploaded her first TikTok, Brooklynne Webb had no way of knowing she was launching herself towards social media superstardom. “I started my TikTok out of boredom during the pandemic. It was mostly for fun, but I had always loved doing theatre and playing different characters so I quickly realized it was something that I enjoyed doing and wanted to continue. I never imagined growing to where I am today.” Before she knew it, the 17-year-old had amassed over 10.6 million followers on the platform. Her influencer career took off so fast that she’s now doing online classes. “It’s super hard to balance both [school and social media] so I am currently doing school self-paced and online. Being an influencer full-time means working almost 24/7 so I often find it difficult to find breaks.” Being in high school is stressful enough without a gigantic audience scrutinizing you. “The hardest part about millions of people having eyes on you is that anything and everything can be taken out of context. I just always try to put my best foot forward and make sure that I am being as positive as possible. I recently spoke in another interview about burnout and how I typically go through these cycles of being tired to feeling passionate and inspired. It’s just as easy to become worn out as it is to delve into TikTok and find more inspiration.”

Brooklynne is particularly passionate about promoting body positivity. Her collab with BeBe Rexha even went viral!  She wants to remind others that there isn’t only one type of beauty. “Body positivity is something that I had always struggled with and when I started social media I decided to use my platform to empower others to be confident in themselves and not care about what others think. The beauty standards are so unachievable these days, so I think it’s very important for people everywhere to understand that beauty comes from within. I want to continue to advocate and spread the message that every single body is beautiful.” As a model herself, Brooklynne remembers the doubts she had about pursuing her dreams because she thought she didn’t fit the mold. Now, she intends to break those stereotypes. “I hope to change the mindset that one needs to be tall and skinny to make it as a model. I have always wanted to model, but when I was young I didn’t feel that I fit the part. I want to change that way of thinking for other young kids trying to reach their goals. I want anyone who has that goal to feel like they can do it and they don’t need to not eat or fit in a certain box to do so. I would love to make it so brands are willing to work with models of any background, ethnicity, or body type as the consumers purchasing the products are of different backgrounds, ethnicities, and body types as well.”


She also has a debut EP out, titled My Crown: The Album. Her eponymous single, “My Crown,” is an extension of the characters she plays on social media – as well as an opportunity to address the negativity she receives. “‘My Crown’ was an idea that came to me in 2020 and finally came to fruition in 2021. It was meant to be about the character that I typically play in the media. I started social media doing POVs and acting as various princess-type characters, which is obviously not how I see myself in real life. This song was something fun for me to do where I could be creative and include lines in there that allowed me to take back the narrative of the hate I receive. It is an art form that expresses the hate I have been the target of through social media.” The music video draws on hit movies like Mean Girls and Legally Blonde, a nod to the often illusory nature of online personas. “These movies represent the character that I typically play in my POVs. The ‘I am better than everyone else’ character. It was meant to provide satire to those out there hating on social media. I wanted to show people that anyone can create a story on social media, but it is not a representation of how I am offline.” Her newfound fame shed light on the genuine people in her life. “Since I have gained a following, I have learned who my true friends are, and it’s just important to always make sure that I am developing meaningful relationships versus transactional relationships. I am lucky to have met some amazing people here in LA.” The experience has taught her to follow her intuition. “It has always been pretty easy for me to tell a person’s intentions right off the bat. Sometimes I find myself being too nice to everyone, but I think as more time goes on, I have learned to trust my gut on who is for me. It doesn’t mean that anyone else is a bad person, they just may not be someone I want to surround myself with.”


To those struggling with hate or negativity, Brooklynne urges keeping everything in perspective. “My best advice is to not care what other people think. Coco Rocha once told me to remember that every person has their own opinion, but it is not a real reflection of you. We all don’t love the same people or hate the same people so why should we allow ourselves to get down when someone makes a judgement? It is just their opinion and not a real representation of your character. I would also tell teens that whenever you think one negative thing, tell yourself ten positive things and you will eventually believe them to be true. It is okay to have bad days or feelings after something negative happens or you are handling hate.” While she enjoys making songs, she doesn’t necessarily see a musical path ahead. “I am not really looking to expand my music career from here, but this was an experience that I loved. I have always loved singing and making this song with a few amazing people was a great experience.” Rather, she wants to continue inspiring others. “I will always use my pages to discuss body positivity, mental health awareness, and burnout. In the new year, I am looking to partner with more organizations in the mental health space.”

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Brooklynne Webb Reclaims Her Narrative with New Single, “My Crown.” Photo Credit: Lindsey Ruth @lindsphoto.

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