
8 Ways To Step Up Your Career

8 Ways To Step Up Your Career

Today we want to talk about 8 ways to step up your career. It’s normal for us to fall into a rut in all aspects of our lives, and that includes when it comes to our careers. We can’t always be reaching for the stars in every department of our existence. Sometimes, our professional lives take a backseat while we focus on other things. However, from time to time, it’s a good idea to look at stepping up your career. If you can put in some effort, then you might just find that you’re handsomely rewarded for your efforts.

In this article, we’ll take a look at 8 ways to step up your career. 

Perform a Self-Assessment

Before you can figure out how you’re going to step up your career, you’ll need to first figure out where you are. You’ll be able to figure out the basics of your current position — such as job title and seniority — within a few minutes. But the other side of figuring out where you are may be a little more difficult. You’ll need to perform a self-assessment, which will outline what skills you have, where you need to improve, your qualities and faults, and so on. Once you’ve got this, you can look at improving the areas you need to work on and promoting the sides that you’ve good at. 

Hit the Books

Step Up Your Career

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Many people stop studying once they leave formal education. But this is a mistake — the longer it is that you’re out of the educational system, the more gaps in your knowledge you’ll be. You’ll learn things “on the job,” of course, but there could be some technical elements that you just didn’t learn. If you have those skills, then you’d find it easier to move into a new position. So what’s the solution? Learn them! It takes time, effort, and money to take a course or complete a master’s degree, but it can be worth it. Just be sure to speak to people in more senior positions to ensure that the course you’re taking will be worthwhile. 

Find a Mentor

One of the issues with careers is that by the time you’ve figured out all the right moves to make, you’re coming to the end of your career. It takes time to gain the insights and experience you need, after all. However, though you may not have the experience you need right now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t draw on the experience of people who do have the necessary insights. Finding a mentor can be tricky but worthwhile. They can be an incredible resource when it comes to making decisions about where to take your career. Many people are open to the idea of mentoring if someone asks them. So give it a try — you never know what might come from it. 

Get Networking

Did you know that the majority of open jobs never make it to the job board? That’s because they’re filled by connections of the hiring company; there’s just no need to make the position public. This tells us that it’s not just what you know but who you know. If you can widen your professional circle, then you’ll likely find more opportunities coming your way. You can expand your circle by networking as often as you can. You’ll be able to meet people through work, by taking courses, and by attending the largest conferences in the world. Of course, you’ll need to do more than just meet people; you’ll also need to stay in contact with them, let them know when you’re looking for opportunities, and also present opportunities to them, too. 

Take On New Duties

Step Up Your Career

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The greater variety of skills that you have, the more experienced you will be. And the more experience you have, the more likely it is that someone will hire you. You can increase your skills by asking for a wider range of duties at work. This could — or perhaps should — mean stepping out of your comfort zone, but that’ll be a good thing. The whole point is to add more experience, after all!

Fine Tune Your Resume

You’ll want to be in a position to strike when opportunities come your way. One good tip is to make sure that your resume is watertight and up to date. If it is, then you won’t need to flail around trying to get yours up to scratch when you see a position that you’re perfect for. If you have some doubts about your resume, look at hiring a professional company to do it for you. 

Make it a Priority

Opportunities do sometimes fall into your lap. But you can’t rely on them. If you’re going to improve your career, then you’ll need to make it a priority. This may mean that you need to spend less time doing other things that you enjoy, like socializing, until you’ve begun to sense that you’re moving in the right direction. This requires discipline, but don’t worry if you don’t currently possess that quality — it’s something that you can learn.

Work Hard 

Finally, remember that the golden rule for improving your career is that you have to work hard. There’s no substitute for putting in the effort and hours. It would be nice if you could elevate your career just by turning up, but that’s not how it works — you’ll need to show that you’re good enough for the more senior positions. This, of course, is something that’s entirely within your hands; the harder you work, the more valued you will be. 


Your career is going to have a huge impact on your overall enjoyment of life. If you can get it right, then you’ll find that you can enjoy life much more. If you’re stuck in a rut for too long, then you’ll begin to feel a little disappointed. So don’t delay — look at stepping up your career today. It can be a long process (you may need 6 – 12 months), but it’ll pay off in the end, and you’ll be extremely happy that you put the effort in.

Read more career articles at Cliché
Images provided by Flickr, Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay & Creative Commons


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