Beauty / Hair

Natural Beauty Products for Healthier Hair

We all know that summer brings the heat, the humidity, and, sadly, the damage. Those beach days and pool dives will catch up to you sooner or later, and commercial products often pack stripping and drying agents into their cleansers or styling creams. But don’t let that get you down! We’ve found some natural products that are sure to keep your hair healthy this season. Going back to basics can help strengthen your hair and can improve the overall length with time!  Use these natural beauty products for healthier hair this summer!

1. Coconut Oil
Depending on who you know, this may be either the most underrated or overrated beauty product on the shelves today. However, it’s one of the holy grails of shiny locks, particularly for curly ones. It not only adds life and shine to hair, but it also stimulates hair growth! Coconut oil is actually a solid oil, meaning it can melt down into a liquid but can be stored on a shelf. With such a long lifespan, this is one product you should definitely check out

2. Jojoba Oil
Pronounced “ ho-ho-ba,” this oil comes from the seed of a plant that originates in the desert. Though grown in such a dry climate, this oil will do anything but leave hair dull, frizzy, and dry! This oil reaches deep and gets rid of a lot of impurities while also sealing in moisture and repairing split ends. It’s great for ALL hair types because it breaks down all the extra grease and oil while balancing out the natural moisture your body produces. Remember to always try and get your oils cold pressed and organic if possible and to make sure the oil still has all of its powerful nutrients.
3.  Apple Cider Vinegar
For those who are already on the “No Poo” regimen or are new recruits, Apple Cider Vinegar comes as no surprise to be on this list. For those who have never heard of “No Poo,” perhaps Co-wash makes more sense. Basically, the idea is that there’s no shampoo! So many shampoos contain harsh cleaning agents that strip the gunk and our natural oils away, leaving hair dry, dull, and thirsty. While Apple Cider Vinegar may not smell like gardenia and hibiscus, it gets the job done and cleans without drying. Try going a few days between washes so your hair can reap optimal benefits from its own oils.

Bonus: Here’s a recipe for my own Sea Salt and Lightening Spray for those who might want to get those beachy highlights and waves but want to avoid harsh chemicals and dying :

What you’ll need:
– Coarse Sea Salt
– A whole lemon or unrefined lemon juice
– An empty spray bottle
– Water

1. Warm up enough water to fill about 75% of the bottle.
2. Add about ½-1 teaspoons of salt.
3. Add either a tablespoon or all of your lemon juice.
4. Close the bottle and shake it all around until the ingredients are nice and mixed.

To use:
Spray on damp hair and style as usual!

Don’t use too much; salt is a drying agent! But using this spray every once in a while won’t cause too much damage.

Photo Courtesy of  Martin De Witte  on

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