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6 Tips For Positive Affirmations While Losing Weight

6 Tips For Positive Affirmations While Losing Weight

Today we want to share 6 tips for positive affirmations while losing weight.  Trying to lose weight isn’t an easy thing to do, and won’t happen in a day. Losing weight involves hard work, determination and consistency. While you’re already changing how you normally eat and allotting extra time for your daily workouts, the process doesn’t stop there. You have to keep yourself positive, so that you’ll be more motivated to work towards your goal. Not only will you feel better, but you’ll achieve your goals faster, as you’re constantly reminded of why you’re doing it.

When deciding to lose weight, add positive body image to your routine; identify why are you doing this. Are you doing it for yourself or the people around you? You need to want to lose the weight to keep up any kind of motivation.

Tips For Positive Affirmations While Losing Weight

Body positive, freedom, high self esteem, confidence, happiness, inspiration, success, positive affirmation. Overweight woman celebrating rising hands to the sky

Here are some tips on positive affirmations that you can use when you’re losing weight:

  1. See Motivation Everywhere

If trying to lose weight is a huge challenge for you, you should try to keep yourself motivated all the time. This may be hard, especially when you try to motivate yourself on your own, and when you’re just starting to work out. You might forget your positive affirmations minutes before you go to eat, or remember them just as the meal has finished. 

You should surround yourself with the most motivation possible. Set your phone wallpaper to motivational images or text that encourages you to keep on pushing. Along with this, you can add sticky notes with positive affirmations about losing weight. You can place these notes on the fridge, bedside table, bathroom mirror, workstation, or anywhere that you’ll be able to see it organically. This will help you to keep motivated before leaving your home and throughout the day. 

  1. Start the Day Right

When you start the day right, you’ll have the best chance of ending it right.   When you wake up, remind yourself immediately of your goal and how you can be one step closer to it. Eat a healthy breakfast, and try to do a light workout. It’ll get you energized, and start the day full of positivity that you can do everything you’ve planned to do. 

  1. Be Consistent
Tips For Positive Affirmations While Losing Weight

Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Pexels

When it comes to losing weight, of course, you have to be consistent with your actions. If your diet includes a cheat day, make sure that it’ll only last a day and won’t stretch into a week. Speak to yourself in front of the mirror, and give yourself positive affirmations that will help you to be consistent. 

You could even add positive affirmation as a task on your daily schedule, so you don’t miss out on keeping yourself motivated and happy.

  1. Stay Away from Temptations

No matter how many positive words you say to yourself, once you see your favorite bar of chocolate, all the positive affirmation generally tends to go out the window. While one bar may seem harmless, it’ll only lead to more mistakes; it takes more effort to fix a hole than it does to make it bigger.

If you can, always stay away from temptations. Be strong in the face of food; after all, it is just food. The next morning, it may not matter to you whether or not you had the chocolate bar, but your waist will either be bigger or smaller. Remind yourself that you’re a strong person, who won’t give up on something you really want just because a piece of candy is in front of you. You’re stronger than you think, and will continue to be the more frequently you resist temptation. 

  1. Enjoy It

Never incorporate negative thoughts with what you’re doing. Always try to turn your negatives into positives. The quote “no pain, no pain” is truly effective when you’re trying to lose weight, and mostly because it’s true. When you see the results, the hard work that you’ve done is always worth it. Looking back, everything you did often seems so much easier than it was at the time.

Treat everything that you do as a one-step close on your weight goal. You can speak to yourself, saying things such as: 

  • I enjoy training
  • This will help me feel better
  • This is just temporary
  • I love the taste of my food
  • I love exercising
  • This is easy

When it comes to positive affirmations, it’s mind over matter. Fake it till you make it. You won’t even realize how much weight you’re losing when you keep yourself motivated.

  1. Believe in Yourself
    Tips For Positive Affirmations While Losing Weight

    Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

There’s no better motivation than that which comes from you. Always reassure yourself that you can make it. Take inspiration from others, and ensure yourself that if they can do it, then you can do it too. Each day is a chance to make yourself better than you were yesterday. 

As discouraging as it is to your weight loss mission to see others hitting their goals when you’re only halfway there, this is normal. We go at our own pace. The important thing is that you reach your goal through hard work. Don’t worry if it’s taking you too long; just focus on getting there. Stop comparing yourself to others, and instead use them as your inspiration and motivation. When you choose to be kind to yourself, it’ll go a long way. 

You can say these words to yourself to help you keep motivated:

  • I can do this
  • I deserve to be slim, healthy, and beautiful
  • I have a naturally healthy mind and body
  • I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it that way
  • I am disciplined
  • I am getting fitter, stronger and better each day


As difficult as the path may be, motivate yourself with positive affirmations about how the hardship will end, and you’ll be able to reach your goal. Always try to focus on the result, rather than the process. This will help you to keep motivated and be able to achieve it.

It’s important that you surround yourself with positive thoughts and positive people, to help you stay encouraged all the time. And finally, remember that nothing beats hard work.

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