
How Important is Protein to Hair Growth?

How Important is Protein to Hair Growth?

Those of you that put a lot of time and effort to take care your hair might be wondering how important is protein to hair growth?  Hair growth can be difficult, particularly if you are someone who is experiencing the early signs of hair loss. But did you know that your diet could be influencing this? Whether this is a lack of vitamins and minerals or a dramatic reduction in the protein levels your hair processes your diet can help to balance this for the best possible results.

Helps To Strengthen Hair

Strong hair is key to prevent hair loss, particularly in the early stages and help to keep the hair healthy throughout the growing process. The stronger that the hair is, the less hair that you are likely to lose. Though there is the normal hair loss of 100 hairs per day unusual hair loss can cause the hairline to recede. Though there is hair transplant in the UK options available to tackle serious cases and an increase in protein in the early stages can help to eliminate the hair loss entirely.

Keeps The Scalp Healthy

Though protein is needed for the hair to remain in the growth stage for a prolonged period, it is also needed to keep the scalp healthy. As the scalp is fully responsible for the growth of the hair, the better the hair grows. By increasing the amount of protein in your diet, the more biotin and keratin is present in your hair. This will keep your hair strong with plenty of volume from root to tip without the use of hair products such as volumizing moose or spray.

Prevents Split Ends

Split ends can be difficult to prevent, particularly if your hair is significantly longer, however, an increase of protein can strengthen the hair and prevent it from becoming damaged. Whether this is breakages when brushing or damaged caused by tying your hair to tight the increase of protein in the diet can prevent the ends from becoming damaged. Though it can take time to see a reduction in damage, eating a balanced diet combined with oils and other nourishing hair products can reduce the number of split ends and maintain the healthy growth rate of hair without the lengths becoming dry.

Helps To Retain Shine

how important is protein to hair growth

MabelAmber / Pixabay

Shine is crucial to healthy hair alongside volume and should not be taken lightly. When keratin and biotin are present in the hair, there is significantly more volume with a natural-looking shine that cannot be replicated with the use of products. Therefore, ensuring that you have a balanced diet consisting of proteins and well as vitamins and minerals will help to keep the hair healthy and provide the natural shine that your hair needs to look great all year round. In addition to this, the growth rate will be accelerated helping you to achieve your luscious locks with ease.

Whether you are looking to grow your hair really long or you are looking to bring volume to your hair there are a number of choices for you to pick that can keep your hair looking great and feeling even better. How will you be changing your diet to incorporate more protein?


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