What to Watch During the Winter Hiatus

As we approach the holiday season, it’s now time for the yearly TV hiatus that takes place through the winter months. Our favorite shows won’t be back until January (some, in February!) And though this is an unfortunate time, it does mean that we have a little more time to catch up on what work or school keeps us from. There are a number of shows that I have become addicted to over the past few weeks that I will sorely miss, there are shows I cannot wait to return, and there are some shows that I want to start watching. I’ve come up with eight of the ones I’ve been sucked into, but there are so many I wish I could include. Though we may mourn for the shows we sorely miss, take advantage of this time! Here is what to watch during the winter hiatus:
Gotham; returns Jan. 5
With only 10 episodes to it’s first season, Gotham has covered quite a bit of ground in exploring Jim Gordon’s introduction to the Gotham police force, while also introducing some of Gotham’s most vile villains before they become the popular characters known today. With the case of the Wayne murder hanging over Gordon’s head, the corruption and violence in Gotham gives Gordon a reason to fight. It’ll be interesting to see who is introduced in January.
American Horror Story; returns Jan. 7
Since the Murder House miniseries premiered in 2011, the American Horror Story series has been praised since then. Each miniseries has different characters and a new story, but features many of the same actors. Now, I have never seen any of the American Horror Story series. The reason I’ve avoided it is because I know I can’t watch them by myself or I’d probably have a nightmare. My sister and I have decided to watch them over winter break, so I’ll be right there with you if you decide to start now as well.
Parks and Recreation; returns Jan. 13
This beloved comedy is returning for its seventh and final season on Jan. 13. Unfortunately, the season will only have 13 episodes. As much as I am saddened by this show ending, I can’t wait to see where the characters end up. You have plenty of time to watch the last six seasons and come to love these characters as much as I do.
The Flash; returns Jan. 20
A spin-off of Arrow, The Flash has 10 episodes to its first season, so it’ll be fairly simple to catch up. The season starts with an introduction to how Barry Allen got his powers and follows him as he learns how to control them. Towards the end of the season, there is a Flash/Arrow crossover, which is why I highly recommend catching up on Arrow.
Arrow; returns Jan. 21
Arrow is currently in its third season, so if you haven’t caught up yet, Netflix has the first two seasons. I can’t speak much to the newest season, because I got a late start and am only on season two, but what I have seen so far has been tremendous. The show flashes between the experiences Oliver Queen had to become the Arrow and what he is using his abilities for.
How to Get Away With Murder; returns Jan. 29
Well, this show has had quite the first season. From showing a murder through flashbacks and through the eyes of various characters to focusing on a larger case throughout the series to working on smaller cases, there was always something happening on the show. There are only nine episodes to watch from now until January, so you have no excuse to fall behind.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; returns March 3
I love the Marvel franchise, but I’ll admit that I wasn’t really impressed with season one, but this show returned with an incredible story for season two and has been on an upwards trajectory. The mid-season finale introduces a new Marvel character to the universe, who will be familiar to fans of the comics. Though there is a long break before its return, Marvel’s Agent Carter will be premiering on Jan. 6 and will air during the break.
Game of Thrones; returns Spring 2015
So I’m including this show on the list even though it has been off the air since June and won’t return for its fifth season until the spring, because if you haven’t started watching this show, you really need to. Game of Thrones is phenomenally put together and the storylines will drag you in. Also, you should probably read the books too if you don’t mind some spoilers, because they are amazing.

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