
This Single Mother Went From Making A $55K Salary To Over $100K After Completing A Google Certification

This Single Mother Went From Making A K Salary To Over 0K After Completing A Google Certification

Carter says the standard time for someone to complete Google’s project management certification takes around six months. However, she completed it in six weeks. Although there were long nights, the payoff of being able to jumpstart her new career was well worth it, she says. In addition to receiving her certification, the experience backed by Google allowed Carter to put herself out there and tell her story, which led to more opportunities to elevate her and her family’s status.

“I would be in parking lots of my daughter’s swimming lessons or at my son’s football games and having my computer or working from my phone,” Carter shared with AfroTech. “That was really my life for a good six weeks where I was looking at every opportunity, but weaving it into my life. It afforded me what I have now.”

She continued, “I want the flexibility to do my work and be able to show up for the people that I love, especially my children in a way that is rewarding and intentional for us both. And having this did that for me because it opened opportunities where I could then work remotely.”

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