Interviews / Music

Mackenzie Sol Captures the Despair of a Bad Breakup in New Song, “H8 December”

Mackenzie Sol Captures the Despair of a Bad Breakup in New Song, “H8 December”

Music is a retreat for Mackenzie Sol. “Whenever I hear or record music, I find myself slipping into a new world where there’s no drama, no stress, just me and the music and it’s such an unmatched feeling of peace and happiness,” he says. Bringing a song from an idea to fruition by writing his own tracks enhances his craft. “A lot of different producers in the past have played me demos and yes, I thought they were great, but it just didn’t get me as excited. It’s the entire creative process of writing and producing a track that makes me fall in love with music and really connect to a song.” He is a musician at heart and never imagined racking up 12 million followers on TikTok, making him somewhat of an accidental influencer. “I have loved music and I have created and sang music ever since I can remember. Social media has become a big part of my life just recently. I didn’t realize that me just having fun with my friends was going to take off in the way it did. Having billions of views and millions of followers is amazing and fun, but it’s not what I want as a career in the long run. Music is and always will be my passion.”

He just released his latest collab, “H8 December.” “It’s a fun EDM pop style record. I was just chilling with Julian (DJ Slushii) one day talking about music. He called his friend Aviella because he thought if we all got in the studio together, we would be the dream team. She agreed to come to the studio the next day. We all met up at the studio and Slushii was so right in his thinking. All of us really vibed and connected with one another. Myself along with Julian (Slushii), Aviella, and producer Eric Bells wrote, recorded and produced ‘H8 December’ that day. I’m really proud of how well the record is doing on Spotify and other streaming platforms.” Mackenzie was inspired to write the song from those in his life who have experienced heartbreak. “The song was not based on a personal experience of mine, but I know friends that have had similar experiences. I’m sure a lot of my fans can relate to the feeling of hating a month or a time of the month because of a bad breakup.”In his mind, moving on from a disappointment like that involves a clean slate and lots of support. “My advice is to block the person that caused all the pain and trauma from social media. Trust me on this one. I also strongly suggest to surround yourself with family and friends and make positive memories that outweigh the bad memories when that time of year rolls around.” And another track is soon to come. “I have a new single coming out called ‘Happy Ever After All’ at the beginning of the new year. It’s a song describing how you truly feel about a girl. When you’re dating someone, you have so many thoughts that go through your head that you can’t describe or explain. I’m hoping this song helps describe some of them. I’m looking forward to doing lots more performances for my fans. That’s my favorite part of the job.” Mackenzie will continue doing what he loves and helping people along the way.

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Mackenzie Sol Captures the Despair of a Bad Breakup in New Song, “H8 December.” Photo Credit: Stephen Stone.