Goodnight Argent Interview
Goodnight Argent is the type of band that wears its heart on its sleeve. Their performance on stage is always heartfelt, and they say that if they can’t get “into” a song, they don’t simply put on a show. Life is full of emotions, and this band not only captures these emotions, but they encourage their fans to feel them as they experience them as well. This band has gone through almost their whole adult life together. Having known each other since high school, Goodnight Argent has gone through life together, and it certainly seems that they have a handle on their message and music–and that they will certainly have a great career in front on them. They recently spoke to Cliché about their origins, songwriting, and the future.
Cliché: How did you all meet?
Goodnight Argent: Amazingly, we all we to the same high school, albeit at different times. Tri-Cities isn’t huge, so word spreads when there’s a good musician on the rise. Some of us have been friends since childhood, and some of us were just brought together by music.
What inspires you the most?
This might sond Cliché (pun intended), but reaching peopole with our music and evoking an emotional response from them, whether that’s putting them in a good mood or helping them get through a difficult time…that’s what real inspires us to create our music.
When you write your songs, is Chase (lead singer) in mind, or does that come later?
Not really. Writing a great song is our first priority. If the melody and lyrics are both where they need to be, we can always make modifications to the tempo or change key if it doesn’t compliment Chase’s vocal style. The song itself is always #1.
Are there any songs that reflect on personal experiences?
Actually, most if not all of our songs reflect on personal experiences, at least to some degree. That’s usually how you end of with the most powerful music. It also helps us when we’re playing live to really get into the performance. An audience can tell if you feel what you’re doing. IF what you’re doing is just an “act,” they’ll see right through that. We want to connect with our fans in a real and meaningful way, which is why we think writing our own music is so important.
What message do you convey to your fans through your music?
Each song is different, but if we were to to and sum up Goodnight Argent‘s music into a single message, it would be to embrace your emotions and stay true to yourself. Don’t be afraid of feeling what’s in your heart and wearing your heat on your sleeve! Too many people mask their emotions because they’re afraid of being vulnerable. That’s no way to live your life!
(All images Courtesy of Soulfound Photography)

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