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Why It’s So Important To Stay Connected During Life’s Hardest Times

Why It’s So Important To Stay Connected During Life’s Hardest Times

Today we want to discuss why it’s so important to stay connected during life’s hardest times. Everyone needs a friend. It’s one of the deepest connections to make in life. While you’re born into a family, building a friendship that lasts can be just as difficult as finding the right person to settle down with. 

However, when it comes to life’s hardest moments, it’s tempting to want to lock everyone out and build up walls as much as possible. You’re not in the mood to be around others, and you’re struggling to even focus on looking after yourself – who has the time and energy to reach out and make sure everyone else is OK? 

And yet, if you’re feeling lonely on top of dealing with something rough, it’s going to be ten times worse to try and get through. That’s why staying connected to those that love you is so important, for right now and in the future. 


You Deserve to Lean on Someone

stay connected during life's hardest timesYes, you do! You might not think it now, depending on what you’re dealing with, but you don’t deserve to be eaten up by guilt or the feeling that you’re somehow worth less because you need help. 

You can reach out for a shoulder to cry on, especially if you’re not sure how you’re going to cope from here on out. So, maybe it’s time to pick up the phone? If you haven’t already, take this as permission that you’re allowed to do so. It’s nice to hear from someone you haven’t talked to in a while! 

No One Can Cope Entirely Alone

It’s true. There’s not a single person on earth who can do everything by themself. Every time you hear about people who are ‘self made’, remember that they probably have an entire network of contacts behind them who have helped out at some point. While someone may ‘come from nothing’, they’re never going to be alone on the journey ahead. 

Overall, don’t buy into the hype. Thinking you should do this alone doesn’t mean you really need to. You can lean on someone who knows you and knows what you’re going through, and you’re always allowed to make new friends whenever you feel the need to bring someone else into your circle. It’s both give and take, and that’s the power of human connection. 

Because There’s Help Out There

Help is always out there, no matter how alone you think you might be. Even if you think there are no friends who can help, you’re not going to be alone. No matter what you’re going through, there’s going to be a charity or a company who can stand in. You don’t need to suddenly make new friends if you don’t have the time or energy, and entities like these can tide you over until you feel ready. 

So, recently in legal trouble but you’re not sure who to confide in? Research bail bonds and what services can help out. Been diagnosed with something scary and you’re too afraid to tell anyone? Talk to a charity nurse and get their advice first. You’re never going to be alone in the face of adversity. 

There are More Fun Times Than Sad Times

stay connected during life's hardest times

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels

Friends make everything better. That’s why, when you’re feeling predominantly sad and overwhelming emotions, you need friends around. They’re going to be able to put a smile on your face, and turn what seems to be something negative into something a lot more positive. 

That means you’re going to have more fun times than sad times going forward. While you’re dealing with something heavy in the background, a friend in front of you gives you something else to focus on. You’re more likely to live in the moment, which is always good for your emotions. 

Having Connections Makes You Stronger

You might think it’s stronger to take things on alone. It’s a common misconception; when you’re a ‘lone wolf’, you can handle whatever life throws at you and you’re rarely going to cry about it. While it’s a personal choice how you handle the hard things in your life, we’re finding more and more that people who choose to go it alone have a much worse time with their emotions.

After all, they have no one to hold them up, and can even become emotional wrecks by the time the situation has been sorted out. People recover much easier when they have support, even when what they’re dealing with is always going to affect their life. Being alone during this time means you’re more likely to stumble and be unable to get back up again. 

You Learn What a Healthy Relationship Looks Like

A healthy relationship is never all give and it’s never all take. That’s why staying in touch with friends is so important right now – you’ll see real time examples of how people care about you. 

You’ll get to see what your friends are really made of, and why it’s so good to be friends with that person. And then one day you can return the favor to them, no matter how one sided you feel the friendship is right now. Don’t feel guilty for needing to talk to them more than they talk to you – as time changes, so will your dynamic, which isn’t bad. 

It’ll Get You Out of the House More

Staying indoors all day long for days on end isn’t good for you. It’s nice to be at home, but you are going to start experiencing cabin fever at some point! But if you’ve got a friend who lives a few streets away, or you can reasonably get out to see within the day, staying in touch with them during this time will help you to get out of the house. 

Not only will you have a reason to get out of the house, but you’ll have an equally stress relieving activity on the other end of your journey. You’re off to talk to them about something you’re struggling with alone, and the advice they give could be just what you need right now. 

There are Physical Benefits

stay connected during life's hardest timesTalking about your problems, and knowing you’ve got someone you can always talk to around, isn’t just a mental thing. It has knock on physical effects that can be very beneficial during a stressful time in your life. 

Firstly, stress has less of a hold on you when you can speak out loud about your issues. You’re not sitting alone in a shame spiral; you’re opening up, letting someone else chime in, and removing the power the problem has over you. Being silent allows for reflection, but too much reflection is bad for you! 

Plus, when a problem is spoken out loud, you put a name to it. It’s no longer a vague feeling that’s driving you crazy, contained only within the parameters of your own brain. You’ve put it into reality, as it were, and now you can move to the next stage of dealing with it. 

If you’re dealing with something incredibly tough right now, reach out. You’re allowed to ask for help from your nearest and dearest, and it’s not a bad thing to need their help. Indeed, you strengthen ties by admitting you’re in trouble and could do with a hand! 

So send a message to your best friend, or call up an old friend to reconnect. You’re not just seeking them out because you want something – you want to share and share alike. That’s the foundation of human experience and it makes everything ten times easier.

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About Author

Love lifestyle and fashion. Being an editor actually allows me to learn about all of the latest trends and topics.